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    Join us on February 21st, 7pm EST

    for the CBEC Virtual Meeting

    EY.o February Zoom Meeting

    All EYO members and followers are welcome to join the fun and get to know the people you've met online!

    See the link below for login credentials and join us!

    February Meeting Info

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  1. M

    Parting out E28 , 1988.

    Parting out a 1988 Ericson 28’ in Southern Maine New Main sail Interior cushions (immaculate upholstery) Universal M12 (runs great) Richie Compass Boom Mast Standing rigging Winches Lewmar hatches Alcohol stove Interior components like dining table Water tank Both electrical panels 120 Genoa...
  2. N

    Attaching whisker pole mast-track: rivet nuts?

    In my slow attempts to get my boat set up (greatly aided by folks on this forum), I am slowly arriving at readiness for a mast-track to attach a whisker-pole to (my sailmaker said I would need a track to handle shifts in proper pole height at mast as genoa is furled and/or drifter used). The...
  3. Chris "Tako" Green

    How-To Unstepping the mast?

    Hello all, I am finally preparing to bring the boat to the yard to bring down the mast and replace the sheaves. While its down I will paint, replace parts, and rewire. This is a 1974 Ericson 35-2 with standard mast. I have read up on all things that need to be done to take it down, boom, stays...
  4. vanilladuck

    Water and the cabin sole

    Like most of us, I have water which regularly enters the boat through the mast on my E32-3. There is no gutter around the mast step so the water runs across the cabin sole to the starboard side of the boat and seeps into the edge of the flooring where it meets the fiberglass gelcoat at the base...
  5. Chris "Tako" Green

    Temporary Sheave Band aid

    Hello all, this is my first post on this site. My name is Chris and I own a '79 Ericson 35-2. I went up the mast recently to try and get my halyards moving again, one has ball stops that got jammed in the sheaves and the other halyard line broke. Both are spliced line to wire. Once up there it...
  6. S

    Rookie Mistake! Need help/advice Threading Main Halyard (E33RH)

    Hello all, I used a messenger line over the winter when my boat was on the hard. When swapping out, my "quick" connection (still sewn & taped) came off, thus my main halyard came off the mast. Because my boat (E33RH) is fractionally rigged, climbing up to masthead is not an option, thus ended...
  7. D

    Mast Rigging and Sails

    Mast is original from 1976 Ericson 35 Mark II. New rigging was installed in 2008, used for about two years then stored indoors until brought to the boatyard a few months ago. Detailed invoice/parts list from that installation attached. Includes boom and spreaders. Sails were bought used and...
  8. M

    Mast stepping on E-25CB - which way is best?

    I am at the point in the process of refurbishing my E-25 that I have to decide whether to set up the mast for stepping it either from the stern or from the bow. I have a Dwyer mast hinge coming soon, and am well aware of the factory stepping process. Since my boat came with a fixed tabernacle...
  9. KS Dave

    E26-2 - How to Un-Step the Mast

    Can anyone from the E26 crew give me some clues and/or tips on taking down a deck-stepped Kenyon mast? Obviously I need to remove sails, lines, boom vang, etc. I think I can figure that part all out. Then detach the furler and stays (any particular order recommended?). Big question - how does...
  10. WindHorse

    Mystery Mast Bonding in E35-2

    In the process of trying to track down an RF issues (receiving adjacent channel interference on my fancy new VHF), I determined that my mast is not connected to DC ground (not continuity, at least). However, with the coax disconnected from both the antenna AND the radio, I read 12v (with digital...
  11. S

    Masthead sheaves frozen.

    My Ericson 35-2 . Both my main and jib sheaves are frozen solid making it almost impossible to raise the main. Jib is on roller furling when I took jib sail down to clean it. It also was very hard to raise. I had one guy go up the mast and he sprayed pb blaster on sheaves and could brake them...
  12. P

    Question about E30+ mast/spinnaker setup

    Hope I can get some insight from one of you about the purpose of a forward-facing sheave on the mast - 4 feet or so below the sheaves for the spinnaker and jib halyard exits. My boat is setup for a spinnaker (although I haven't yet used it) and one of the POs had done some enhancements to a few...
  13. cworley

    1976 E27 - Replacement Spreaders

    Hello - Need to replace the 2 aluminum spreaders on my 1976 E27, they have developed some pitting and do not look very dependable anymore. Does anyone know of a vendor who sells replacements? I have never replaced spreaders. Replacement looks relatively straight forward. Any suggestions...
  14. S

    Why did Ericson switch to keel-stepped masts?

    It seems that most Ericsons before TAFG used deck-stepped masts with compression posts, but the introduction of TAFG designs also brought with them keel-stepped masts, and it seems, a larger focus on performance. Was this mainly for rigidity and performance, or were there other reasons? For...
  15. T

    Ericson 25 Parts For Sale

    We recently acquired an Ericson 25 which has soft decks and unfortunately not able to restore. We do have parts available if anyone is in need. Centerboard, Rudder, Mast, Boom, Sails, Cushions, etc. If anyone here is interested in purchasing, it would be greatly appreciated. Will certainly help...
  16. M

    Ericson 27 Parts For Sale

    Hi All, I am parting out my Ericson 27. The following is a partial list of items. I will have pictures of everything soon: - Main Sail (New from Precision in 2016) - Jib (older #1) - Mast & Boom - Newly Rebuilt Forward Hatch - Refinished Companionway Hatch - Tiller Handle - Newly Built Teak...
  17. M

    Mast Shrinkage?

    So, It's been getting colder and darker sooner here on the Chesapeake Bay, but we were able to get out for a couple of hours Wednesday afternoon. I noticed that my all of my standing rigging (forestay, backstay, and all 4 side stays) were looser than usual. The turnbuckles were all still...
  18. T

    Need Mast for E27 - Hurricane Harvey casualty

    Hurricane Harvey nearly destroyed SV Finally in Port Aransas Texas. She's still floating and no damage to the hull but the rigging is ruined... mast and sails. Anyone know where to begin looking for a new mast? What about a mast substitute from a different model boat? I'm also going to need...
  19. E

    Question about ericson 27 mast

    Hey folks. I own a 23 foot boat, and have been looking at ericson 27s as a major upgrade. I looked at one today, and it was in great shape. However, there was a little water leaking through the mast onto the post (mostly in the bathroom area). It looks to be a recent leak. There was a small...
  20. S

    Ericson 1978 25+ Questions

    Hi there! As a new member I have some questions regarding a 25+. What is the value of a nice condition, 1978 25+ with a sail drive inboard? It appears the boat I'm looking at has a cambered mast which I find strange. There is an average amount of tension on the rear stay. What should I pay...
  21. W

    Crossbeam Cracking Concerns

    Last summer I bought a 1971 E 32' she has been behaving beautifully since then. I'm currently sailing down the coast with a couple friends to the Bahamas while we all take time off college. The previous owner made the cracks in the cross beam apparent to us and had said they didn't get any...
  22. R

    Need new old mast for Ericson 35

    On November 3rd we were sailing between Baltimore Light and Rock Hall in the Chesapeake when we lost our mast. We were having a great sail, traveling briskly close hauled through choppy waves in a beautiful breeze when the furler came flying back towards our heads. As I turned to starboard to...
  23. D

    35-3 Electrical Current

    I have a 1986 Ericson 35-3. In the course of chasing down and resolving an electrical problem, I discovered that I have what appears to be stray DC current between the mast and keel bolts. Here are some specifics: Shore power off and DC breaker off. Batteries disconnected on both positive...
  24. D

    Standing Rigging Replacement

    I am planning on pulling my mast to address some corrosion issues before they go from minor to major. At same time we will do a full inspection of the standing rigging and update wiring. Given the age of the boat (and as far as I know the rigging is original), should I arbitrarily replace...
  25. S

    mast weep holes

    I own an Ericson 30-1 built in '69. the other day a guy rowed up to the boat and told me I need a weep hole at the base of the mast or it would fill with water and rust off. So what do you all think?
  26. juneausailin

    Kenyon Mast Radar Installation

    Hi all, need some help/advice here. Have an 84 E38 with a Kenyon mast and am trying to install a mast mount radome. There's not really a conduit in the mast that I can discern for running cables in. I think there is a track at the aft side of the mast which the nav light wiring is running...
  27. kelargo

    E26 mast length?

    I have a E26 (1985) and it needs a new mast. The original is gone. Would there be any problems putting a 32' 9" mast on it? The extrusion is 4" x 7" shape. I believe this mast is a little bit longer than the original. I guess it can be cut down.. but I'm wondering it its ok to use this...
  28. A

    Mast Help Required

    Due to my own stupidity, the mast on my 1990 E28 may be scrap. The mast has suffered a rather brutal trauma, as well as my head. My head will heal, the mast may not. I tried to speak to rig-rite about a replacement but they were difficult to deal with and then told me that the 4066 section was...
  29. D

    E32-2 mast step plate

    I have a 1974 32-2. It was built without a compression pole. I guess when the deck got soft someone put in a pole to go from the mast step to the keel. It was right in the middle of the door that used to close between the V birth and the cabin. I took the cabin deck off to rebuild it and decided...
  30. M

    e27 lower shrouds shorter one goes aft? raising mast this morning

    im about to rise the mast this morning , and the marks on the lower shrouds were erased. I guess the longer ones goes aft because the mast rake is 6 inch forward? made a mast step hinge and rigging to self step the mast, will post pics after I rise the mast this morning.
  31. SteveCrane

    Water drain in E28+ mast

    I am a relatively new owner of a 1982 E28+ and have considerable water draining down the wires in the mast that has seeped into everything (sadly and destructively) before finally getting to the bilge. The mast is stepped on the cabin top. I plan to go up the mast to seal any openings but I am...
  32. P

    Bare metal mast?

    The paint on my aluminum mast is shot and I'm considering an option of soda blasting and leaving the metal unpainted. From everything I've read so far an aluminum oxide coating will form which is actually protective to the metal but not very visually appealing. What I haven't been able to...
  33. bigd14

    Mast Base Plate alignment

    I just noticed that my mast base plate is slightly out of alignment by a few degrees. I assume this is factory because the original screw holes are the only ones present. Of course nothing on the boat is exactly lined up, based on some simple string measurements, but this seems like it needs to...
  34. R

    Mast Gate and Batten Cars

    Got my new Mack sails in. I was surprised to find that they use batten cars... nice feature that I had overlooked. However, the batten car can not drop below the mast gate for reefing, esentially it creats a sail stop above the gate. While its still possible to reef, it leaves a bulk of sail...
  35. G

    e38 - 1981 - Mast Spreader Bars

    Hi All I need some help in trying to replace my mast spreader bars on a 1981 38' Ericson. I had read someplace the mast was manufactures by Lefiell, but I spoke with them and they claim not to have manufactured it and have no spreader bars. The bars look like a basic Aluminum rectangle bar...
  36. I

    Mast height for E-32

    Our 1974 E32 had all of the running and standing rigging replaced...about 3 years ago (before we bought it). The new mast is 42 feet high. That's just the mast - from the mast step to the mast head - does not include the fittings on the top. I have looked through the resource material on this...
  37. Loren Beach

    An "Intimate" Look at the Mast

    Here's a link to a new thread on another forum with a set of photos from the inside of the spar. Very helpful when trouble shooting wiring or halyards. http://www.sailnet.com/forums/gear-maintenance/72014-endoscope-snake-cam-look-inside-our-mast.html#post697422 I have sometimes wondered...
  38. exoduse35

    Mast Wires for internal halyards?

    I am converting my E35-2 to internal halyards. I am now at the wire phase of the project. It seems that there is no easy way! My plan is to use 4 10' PVC thin wall water pipes to run the 42' span. I figure I can in several spots drill a 1/2 inch hole in the pipe and a hole through the other side...
  39. S

    Datamarine mast head rebuild kit

    Here is an option for repairing your masthead unit. While never mentioned (to me) by the DMI repair company (the last place repairing Datamarine), there is a rebuild kit for the masthead unit. I stumbled on a web site showing all the steps to repair the unit at...
  40. B

    first time mast step

    I plan on haulling out my E29 this spring. I'm new to this. I've got everything planned as much as possible, but I expect plenty of unpleasant surprises. My major worry is the mast. The wires diappear in the cabin overhead. What can I expect when the mast comes off? are there connections or...
  41. J

    Looking for used mast for E27

    I am looking for a replacement used mast for E27 in the north east region. Eugene
  42. sjconnor

    Keel-stepped mast foot retainer

    Hi, I sail Sapphire Star - Olson 34 which is keel stepped. I'm entering a regatta soon and the safety requirements state that keel stepped masts require a retainer at the mast foot. I definitely dont have one of these on my mast foot, my mast simply sits on the base plate. I guess a retainer...
  43. C

    solid (rod) shrouds

    Went sailing in San Francisco Bay on a racing 1 D 35 sailboat. Noticed that the mast shroulds were solid in stead of cable. Can anyone explain the advantage of a solid cable over a braided one? thanks chris
  44. S

    jib halyard jammed in mast

    I tried to lower my jib and found that the jib halyard is jammed. It is a roller furling arrangement and this is the first time that I have attempted to lower the jib in the year that I have owned the boat. The sheave at the masthead turns freely and there is a bit of slack in the wire portion...
  45. S

    Mast down....Backstay hangup

    Last week the yard took down the mast for my first time with this boat. When we were taking it down we had a heck of a time getting that pin out where the backstay hooks into the hydraulic adjuster. All the shrouds were loose and the roller furling came off easily enough. I had the adjuster...
  46. S

    Add a Mast Head Wind Speed and Direction Sensor on a E38

    My local boat yard is advising me that it would likely be necessary to remove the mast to place a wind indicator at the mast head of my E38. Is this necessary or can the wiring just be dropped down inside and through from above? Thanks Jeff Hart
  47. J

    Soft mast step

    can the compression post be removed from inside. Or do I have to cut the deck. any thoughts would be welcome. John Timeless Annie 1976 E27:rolleyes:
  48. G

    O-911se original mast maker help

    I've been the proud owner of a 1990 911se since last October. It's a great boat. Does anyone know who made the mast for this boat? I'd like to get a mast (mainsail) gate but don't know where to look.
  49. V

    chalky paint on mast......

    Im having a problem with the paint i used on my mast. i used pettit paint (2 part) that i got for free from someone in the boat yard. Im not sure how old it was, but i was assured it was fine. I used a zinc chromate wash first and was sure I was following all rules that applied to painting...
  50. N

    Mast Drain Provisions?

    Today I was looking at the where the radio and wind instrument cables exit near the bottom of the mast. Now I am wondering just how rain water is supposed to get out of the mast and into the nice bilge sump nearby. I don't see any holes at the bottom. Water does weep out, but I wonder just what...
  51. bigd14

    New Mast E27

    I had a reputable local yard look reveiw my mast and tell me that I should be looking for a new one.:esad: This is something I will consider at least until I get sticker shock. Has anyone replaced an E27 mast? If so what mfg. did you go with, what mast section, cost, etc. I've looked through the...
  52. J

    Changing halogen bulb mast light/new stereo

    I sent my 13 year old up to see how we (he) can replace a burnt out halogen bulb. Together we were unsuccessful figuring out how to make it a "quick fix". It looks like the whole assembly needs to come off the mast. Yes? No? Advise? Also, the wife and kids bought me an early father...
  53. D

    While the mast is stepped for the keel rebed ...

    I thought I would paint the mast. I wasn't very sucessful on a search. help please.
  54. A

    E25 mast raising...

    Hi, I'm about to raise the mast on my E25. I don't know if I have the hinge or not, does anyone have a pic? Basically if I do I can raise it with the shrouds / halyards? Looks pretty easy from the examples I've seen on the net. Adam
  55. G

    replacement mast for Ericson 39B

    Hi everyone, I'm looking for a good mast for RAMPAGE, Ericson 39 flushdeck, if anyone has any leads, much appreciated... or specs on the mast, boat... Fair winds- Gordon gordoncruise@hotmail.com
  56. Touchrain

    Mast Work on E38

    I am unstepping my mast and replacing all standing rigging over the next month. I plan to inspect everything carefully and replace anything with problems before an upcoming offshore passage down the West Coast from the Puget Sound. I'd like advice on what I should particularly look for on our...
  57. bigd14

    E27 Mast Repair Advice

    I also posted this over at plasticclassicforum.com. I've been thinking about this on and off over the past year, and now is the time to really figure it out. The mast is in reasonably good shape except for the area around the spreaders. There are a bunch of excess holes, and the old...
  58. A

    what is this pulley on the mast?

    Hello attached is a picture of one side of the top of my E27 mast. I circled a pulley which I have no idea of what is for. there is an identical one on the other side of the mast. Can you tell me what these are for? Thanks Tony G.
  59. S

    mast height 35-3

    has anyone taken their 35-3 thru the cape may canal. Fixed bridge height is supposed to be 55' and mast height of the 35-3 should be 50'. Thanks.
  60. D

    Stepping Mast by Hand on Ericson 25 plus

    Does anyone have any suggestions or have they stepped or unstepped the mast on a 25+ by hand?
  61. S

    E 35 Mk ll Mast, Boom, Sails, Pedestal, etc

    Hi, I salvaged a E35 Mk ll that had about 15 years of Northwest use before it got off a mooring and sunk in 1988. It had been sitting away from salt air since so the hardware is pretty decent. The mast and boom are painted white. Spreaders are rotten, rigging wire and turnbuckles look good...
  62. F

    E23 mast hinge

    Hello, Has anyone added a mast hinge to an Ericson 23 Mark II? I was looking at the DwyerDH2150. Would this be the correct size? http://www.dwyermast.com/items.asp?cat1ID=40&cat1Name=Hardware&familyID=18&familyName=Hinges Thanks, Fred Nelson
  63. C

    Mast shakes violently!

    Hey guys and gals! Been a while since I have posted here cause I been cruising. I have recently come across a problem with my rig shaking very bad with even the slightest breeze while at anchor. I hired 2 riggers to re tune the rig and it STILL does it no matter what they did! It happened after...
  64. exoduse35

    E-35-2 mast wires?

    I am sure someone knows this one: how do the wires get to the mast on a 35-2? It appears that they would run under the corner moldings in the head and then out the roof, but it would suck to rip all that finely finished wood out to find it ran through the roof. What is the best way to get...
  65. J

    E27 Mast Replacement

    Has anyone replaced a mast for E27, I am wondering what is the ball park cost for such a project? Thanks, Eugene
  66. F

    Lowering e23 mast

    This may be a goofy question, but what better place to ask it, than among fellow vikings? Have any of you Ericson 23 owners ever lowered the mast when the boat was at a slip, in the water? I have never unstepped the mast, and there are a number of upgrades I want to complete (lights, wind...
  67. I

    Looking for A mast for E39'

    Need to purchase a mast for an E39'. Boat didn't have one when we got it. I cant find any specs as to what the original size was. I only know it was a double spreader. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm dieing to sail her. Where should we begin looking. Florida...
  68. I

    Mast Needed E-39'

    Can anyone fill me in on the original masts found on the old E39' size ect. An where to start looking for one. Or do you have one for sale. Thnks.
  69. brianb00

    Olson 34 Mast Step Construction

    Hello All, I have an Olson 34 and am wondering about the mast step construction technique. I spoke with Ballenger (spars) about this and they indicated this was a very thick fiberglass hat tied into the bulk head. What he wasn't quite sure of was if the structure was foam filled or wood. It...
  70. Sven

    Surprise, balsa core not sealed in mast hole !

    I was amazed (as was the rigger) to find that the hole cut for the mast some 32 years ago had not been sealed. The exposed balsa core was just sitting there waiting for a slow leak or drip that never came ... thank goodness ! Today we put the first two coats of Smith's on the exposed core...
  71. Ericsean

    E-38 Mast Crane

    Has anyone installed a spinnaker mast crane on a E-38 with the "wing" halyard configuration? I know its supposed to work, but I'm getting tired of seeing my crew hanging on the chute trying to drop, especially after we've had to jybe onto the other tack befor the leeward mark. Would still...
  72. S

    Deck stepped mast location

    I am about ready to re step the mast on my e 35 2 I had to rebuild/re-enforce the original mast step due to a major crack. I dont know under what condition this crack ocurred, but I am pretty certain that the repair is 100%. Since the crack had let in (who knows how many years of water) I had to...
  73. D

    Mast. to sand or not to sand...

    After a lighting strike that took out our VHF antennea, stereo, and several (expensive) LED bulbs in the anchor, steaming and speader lights, we've taken the mast of our E-27 down for repairs. We were told we needed masthead sheaves (Thanks Guy, for the source for new ones). A longstanding...
  74. J

    Winter mast take down

    Curious how many of you pull your mast for winter storage? On our '83 E35, Mk III we always do. The thought being that leaving it up doesn't do the mast step any good as the boat is not free to move in the water and you you can inspect it for possible problems. John Wressell Stamford, CT
  75. T

    mast repairs

    Hi, I started a post about a month ago regarding repairing/replacing a broken spreader bracket - here is the link http://www.ericsonyachts.org/infoexchange/showthread.php?t=7781 Well, my dad and I took the mast down yesterday without any real trouble; The only thing was that the VHF...
  76. T

    Data Marine Mast Head Unit repair or replacement

    My original mast head anemometer has slowed to an unbalanced crawl. To make matters worse, a big bird tried to sit on it and when it spun on him, his frantic flapping in getting away, knocked off the directional fin. The dilemma now is what to do. The other original instruments still work well...
  77. G

    e 35 mast boom spin pole

    have a mast, a boom, and spin. pole from an ericson 35 for sale.It is a double spreader rig with all of the rigging,winches,fittings,etc. no roller furl but have a lot of extra stainless rigging to go with.Also a complete pedestal steering system that I will remove from the boat for you.My boats...
  78. T

    Mast support without upper shroud

    I have an 1974 e27 and my starboard spreader bracket is broken. I am wondering if it is safe to go aloft to remove the bracket and spreader so that I can take in the broken pieces to be either used as a mold or to have it welded. What this would entail is having the upper shroud eased. Is...
  79. Rob Hessenius

    E-25 Sleeved Mast Success Story

    After a long winter of mast repair, my boat finally went under wind power this weekend. I will admit I stared at the mast all day and listened to every creak that the boat made. I lost a total of 5" off the height. Total cost of the project was a few doolars shy of $600, all in materials...
  80. D

    mast rewiring

    Reworking 34T. Would like to rewire mast which has not been on the boat in 5 years. Any suggestions on how best to install the new wiring and where to purchase wire economically? Do-lang
  81. S

    pulling the mast on a 30-2 1979

    Finally the day has come to replace the 30 year old rigging after an adjuster rusted through on the forward lower stay. Luckily nothing lost but more of a wonderful day of sailing and no injuries with the mast and sails left intact. My question has to do with disconnecting the electrical for a...
  82. J

    mast conduit

    Well folks, the house is gone and soon so are we. The last thing I need to do is take care of my mast noise. I pulled 8 bags of foam in plastic bags out, which had not been enough to make it quiet. I found the problem is that the conduit has broken away from the fasteners above the spreaders and...
  83. M

    Mast Boot 35-3

    I'm looking to replace my mast boot. I'm in Long Beach. Does anyone have a source? Thanks. Matt
  84. E

    Independence 31 Bowsprit Issues???

    Anyone have ideas on baseline tension on the bobstay, headstay, backstay and upper shrouds on the Independence 31? Here are my issues: 1) I feel like I have an issue with my bowsprit lifting (can see a gap at the stem), which would indicate perhaps bobstay stretch and need of tensioning, 2)...
  85. wolly bugger

    E-25 sucesfull mast raising

    I bought the boat a couple of weeks ago, the previous owner had never taken the mast down, but I had to for transportation. I read and reread the booklet about mast raising as well as many posts from this website. Everything seemed easy and made sense except those boom guys :confused:. It all...
  86. Spalding

    Need Mast for 69 e-32 HULL# 108

    some scoundels made off with my mast while it was in the yard so I am looking for a replacement any suggetions would be great! Also need tiller to rudder post hardware for same
  87. T

    E38 Mast Circumference

    I need a new mast boot so am planning on making one out of vinyl. Unfortunately my 1981 E38 is 4 hours away. Does anyone know the circumference of the mast and of the mast collar?
  88. raslocum

    Used E23 mast for sale.

    I have some rigging and a used mast / boom from an old E23 that has gone to Ericson heaven. It aint pretty, but it isn't broken at least. If anyone has an interest I'll let it go cheap, or even trade? I could always use other stuff. whaddya got? Powerboat stands? bottom paint? Yeah, that...
  89. EGregerson

    Mast Boot

    I replaced the mast boot on my 87 E34 2 years ago; didn't realize it at the time as the mast was out, but it didn't fit over the rim properly (altho it fit the mast fine); it's been a pain so this year i decided to get the right one from rig rite. they sent me the same thing... for a 4873...
  90. L

    Weeping mast

    For some time now I have been trying to stop water running into my headliner where the mast comes through the deck on its way to the keel. In my efforts I noticed that the bilge always seems to hold about an inch or so of water. I can bail it out and a day or two later I find another inch or so...
  91. ChrisS

    Installing a raydome with the mast in place

    I'm planning to install a raydome on the mast, and have read that you can run the wire down the mast with zip ties attached to the wire every three feet, which will avoid the cable slapping against the inside of the mast. Has anyone done this with a successful outcome? People tell me it's...
  92. F

    Proper measurement to get mast centered for tuning

    Hi, I had to pull the mast on our 1984 E30+ to repair the electrical connections for mast lights, and want to get the rig tuned right after re-attaching the shrouds. I know the general process for tuning the rig, but am having a bit of trouble getting the mast absolutely centred on the...
  93. C

    Wanted-winch for mast on e-27

    I am looking for a single speed non self-tailing winch with base plate, to mount on my mast for the jib. I don't have much money to spend so need to buy used.
  94. SASSY

    Mast Head Sheaves

    How many mast head shivs are required for a 1987 E-34. I know the specs for the shivs, but not how many. I assume 1 shiv per haliard but does the storm sail haliard use a standard shiv. thanks, Andy
  95. R

    e-27 mast removal

    I have a 1977 e-27 the mast seems to be on a hinge, any one have thoughts on the best way to lower the mast? is it a one man operation using the hilards and winches?
  96. E

    Costs of Pulling the Mast

    I've not had any leaks (that I know of!) surrounding the mast, but there are some cracks along the base of the mast and while I am working on other cracks/crazing/gouges I thought I would take care of the cracks at the mast as well. But, if this is a larger issue I might need to pull the mast...
  97. G

    Mast wanted for Ericson 39

    Hi everyone, I need to replace my mast on my 39 flushdeck. If anyone has one in good shape, please call me at 407-535-2910. Also, can anyone tell me if a 55-foot, double spreader SELDON mast will work? Does anyone know the length of the original Ericson 39 mast???!!! Help!!!!!!! and...
  98. G

    Mast wanted for Ericson 39

    Hi everyone, I need to replace my mast on my 39 flushdeck. If anyone has one in good shape, please call me at 407-535-2910. Also, can anyone tell me if a 55-foot, double spreader SELDON mast will work? Does anyone know the length of the original Ericson 39 mast???!!! Help!!!!!!! and...
  99. G

    Mast wanted for Ericson 39

    Hi everyone, I need to replace my mast on my 39 flushdeck. If anyone has one in good shape, please call me at 321-225-2014. Does anyone know the length of the original Ericson 39 mast???!!! Help!!!!!!! and Happy Holidays to all! Gordon
  100. Captain Crunch

    Mast Rake E 35-2

    What should the mast rake be on my E 35-2? I believe it is measured by plumb bobbing down from the top of the mast to the deck and measuring from the base of the mast to the plumb bob.