Depth display showing three dashes

Stuart 28-2

Member II
A few months ago I installed a Hawkeye Depth Trax 2B. I glued the transducer to the hull per their instructions. I seemed to be working fine until a few days ago and now it just shows three dashes instead of the depth. The only thing the Hawkeye instructions say to do is remove the transducer and hang it directly in the water to see if it works that way. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what could be wrong?
I have repowered it several times and cleaned the exterior of the hull where the transducer is as best I can without taking the boat out of the water. As it powers up it gives the three audible beeps to indicate it is at least powering up okay.

Loren Beach

O34 - Portland, OR
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
If you do not mind a "SWAG".... Sounds similar to the display on my old Standard Horizon DS back in the 80's. When the bottom would not return a readable signal (deep weeds or mud) or was too deep, it showed two dashed lines.
Your DS may have a problem with hardware (or software). Still under the two year warranty, we hope.

Frank Langer

1984 Ericson 30+, Nanaimo, BC
I would check all the wiring connections between the transducer and display again to ensure none had come loose. If it still doesn't show correct depth I would phone the tech people at the manufacturer.
Good luck, I hope it works again soon.