Member I
Preparing to address, change and upgrade some electrical components, but opportunity to buy at significant discount (used) 30amp replacement charger for the existing Readi-Amp 8 factory-installed charger may force the purchase of my first replacement product.
ProMariner ProNautic 12-30P
Basic electrical upgrades plan to give perspective to determine if 30amp charging suffices:
LIke @Nick J who seems to own a 20amp version, was going to ask his opinion of product.
Like @Kenneth K , add dedicated starter battery.
Add maybe a 50W solar device
and supporting devices (monitors, shunts, switches, etc).
If not 30amp, what size? (range)?
If not the ProMariner series, which other products are people suggesting?
I'll upload images of 80s Readi-amp and manual, if anyone needs 'em.
ProMariner ProNautic 12-30P
Basic electrical upgrades plan to give perspective to determine if 30amp charging suffices:
LIke @Nick J who seems to own a 20amp version, was going to ask his opinion of product.
Like @Kenneth K , add dedicated starter battery.
Add maybe a 50W solar device
and supporting devices (monitors, shunts, switches, etc).
If not 30amp, what size? (range)?
If not the ProMariner series, which other products are people suggesting?
I'll upload images of 80s Readi-amp and manual, if anyone needs 'em.