With no overboard discharge on the 32-3, I devised a portable urinal using a Clorox bottle cut in half on a 20' lanyard. Enclose personal apparatus in container while standing safely at the binnacle, and fill. Hurl Clorox bottle urinal over the stern, then retrieve with lanyard. Leave in cockpit for next use.
This saves holding tank space and is much safer than dangling over the fantail at midnight, one hand on the backstay and the other on Johnson. Unknown number of sailors drowned that way, as nobody wants that cause of death on the certificate.
If you do fill a holding tank rigged for deck suction discharge only, the solution isn't pretty if there's no pump-out station. And when I got to Nawiliwili, there wasn't. The solution was accomplished at midnight, and involved an hour-long hose flush of contents down my own deck and through the scuppers into the harbor, followed by a siphon to empty the tank, followed by a long shower while cowering like a criminal.
When I asked the dockmistress about the broken pump-out facility she said it had been inoperative for five years.
Really? So what do people do?
She just smiled and shrugged. "We're in the middle of the Pacific here."