A bit distracted at the moment, but thanks for all the personal notes, most of which I have not been able to keep up with.
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Does anybody know how Glyn Judson is getting on? He was in that part of the world the last time I heard from him.
Freyja E35 #241 1972
Oh no. When I joined this forum, he invited me to his home, and I met his wife Marilyn, this just after I retired and was consulting in Marina del Rey. I also met the pup he was training at the time. Glyn was very helpful to me as I maneuvered the care of my first (and so far, only) boat. I lost touch when I moved my boat to Dana Point several years ago (2018?). And, I have been unable to contact him recently as well. I didn't know he had sold his boat. Another reason to stay in touch with people.Several of us tried to get hold of Glyn after he sold his boat. I tried everything, since he lived near me and I had visited his boat. Conclusion I came to was that perhaps he's no longer with us, possibly in every sense.