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3 Blade Prop


Member I
Am considering a 3 blade prop for my E-29 Automic 4, has anyone done this and did the performance increase. They get $275 dollars for it. Thank You Bobg


Sustaining Partner
3 blader

If sized correctly(pitch and diameter), you will see better bite-especially at the low end of the speed range, and in big waves. Top speed in flat water should not change much, and may even go down.

You WILL see a noticeable loss of sailing performance, though, and on a smallish boat like the 29, it is a significant percent of your total speed. This is partly due to the extra area of the 3rd blade and also due to the fact that you cannot "set" it for minimum drag.
A normal 2 blade fixed prop can be rotated to the vertical position for sailing (you will have to mark your shaft with the prop in position), and the engine put in reverese gear when sailing-this will reduce drag almost as much a a folding prop(but not quite). This is something few cruisers do, but makes a large difference in speed-especially in lighter air. I would prefer a well sized 2 blader!

Also, the 3 blader will probably not help the "walking" in reverse you often experience. The way to deal with this so you can maneuver in reverse is to get some speed going in reverse while out in an open area, then put the engine into neutral and you will be able to steer accurately while going backwards. The "walk" will only happen when in reverse gear. You can use shots of foward gear to slow down, and in this way maneuver safely in reverse if your boat "walk" in reverse.


Inactive Member
prop options

Assuming from your thread that you are a Great Lakes sailor, you might want to consider what Seth has said about a properly sized prop. I am presently on my 3rd Ericson and I have put a different prop on every one!
Martec props in California has been very helpful in getting the correct dia. & pitch props for my boats. Problem seems to be that Ericson's were built by a salt water ocean & we're in fresh water, which is less dense. Therefore our boats ride slightly lower and the props have "less" water to push against. Each of the boats I've owned backed poorly and lacked "punch" when trying to motor into waves. By putting props w/more pitch and/or diameter made all the difference. Even 2 blade folding props give respectable performance in reverse. It's all a matter of getting the proper balance of pitch & diameter for the conditions.
BTW, Martec, Flex-O-Fold, and some of the other prop manufacture's will be at the Navy Pier Show in Chicago in a month. You can talk to them face to face and get really confused!
And people wonder why we refer to our boats as large plastic holes in the water into which we pour enormous amounts of capital.
Have fun & sail fast.
Bud E34 "Escapade"

Michael Edwards

Member II
I switched to the Indigo 10x7 this summer. I like it. The A-4 now gets to 1900 rpm for cruise and can reach 2250 when needed. The original 12x9 two blade kept the rpm lower than we thought it should. We like to race on Pamlico Sound/ River area but our handicap still doesn't help against local "J-Boats". The propeller hasn' t seemed to increase their lead.