IS X an offshore boat......
Ok I have to weigh in here.....
In the 40k+ miles we did offshore, there was one common thing about all of the boats out there...........
They were out there doing it.
First what does offshore mean to you. Sailing in the roaring 40's? The milk run through the islands of the pacific? Going to Catalina island from San Diego? All of that is "Offshore"
Smallest yacht we regularly got together with: 17 foot decked over German canoe, Peter Pan.
Sailed in Company with a HR 53 for a big chunck of the pacific....
Catalina 30, yep, Hunter 36 Yep, Vancouver 27 (Some of our best cruising friends, very happy with it.) Cold Molded British 38 footer fraglie as an egg was how the owner put the thickness and structural suitability of the boat.
Know your boat, know your limits, then get out there and do it.
KNow your boat means taking it apart to me, having touched all the parts, knowing the rudder shaft, knowing every inch of the rig, knowing every foot of fuel hose, where it goes and why. Now if you know your boat, you are going to find quite a few things that you can do differently, better, or that need to be fixed. Fix those that need to be fixed, add only the equiptment that makes the trip better FOR YOU. Don't add a bunch of shit just cause a bunch of people say you should have it. Remember the old zen kone? Everything you own owns you? It realy should be everything you own you have to maintain.
GO, Take reasonable precautions and learn how to fix shit..... Really fix it, not just write a check to someone else to fix it...... Then go see the world, get out of your country and go to someone elses, it is extreamely freeing to the mind and the spirit.
A lot of people want to sell you stuff because you are going to need it offshore, most of it is complete shit, that you are never going to use...... Or if you try to use is going to break.....
Stuff to take with you:
1> Some clothing, for when there are other people around.
2> Some good books, maybe 2, maybe 25, but you are going to need them. Really good books, soul food books....
3> Your soul
4> Your eyes
5> Your ears
6> Your heart
7> A good hat
8> A good pair of shoes, cause you are going to want to walk around the strange places you visit.
Everything else you can borrow or share...... (Note that the boat isn't even in the top 10 list above, lots of people have boats, too big a boats, can't sail them by themselves, so you can help them if you want....)
The thing that determins whether you are ready or not ready to go offshore is YOU, not the boat.
An e-38 for offshore, freaking palace, more than big enough for a 6 person crew. Go have fun..... Hell some of my best friends did it with 5 people on a home built Cascade 29, 6 years in the south pacific....... And you want to know if you can do it in an e-38......PLEASE
Really the boat that you have is the best boat to go in..... And I haven't even surveyed it for you....
Why second guess your dreams, make them happen, to those that tell you it is impossible...
"Alice laughed: "There's no use trying," she said; "one can't believe impossible things."
"I daresay you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was younger, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."
Alice in Wonderland.
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If you still want to "get it" and can't seem to understand my strange reasoning start an e-mail thread with me, you will find it on the contact pages of my site.....