The solution to Southern Californias problem. There should be one at every home and in the mountains in fire prone areas. Familiar with these Wells I searched for information to share and luckily found the info written by an acquaintance of mine who has the best blog ever on Venice...
Thank you for the book tips, but my question is; since you have sewn a new sail cover, have you disposed of your lazy jacks? I've always been too lazy to put in lazy jacks and I'm wondering if you found them to be a bit much, if, in fact, you removed them.
The oldest sailor in the fleet, Jean le Cam , 65 years old, sailing a non-foiling monohull ,is currently in the lead having done a brilliant move down the coast of Africa. This race is like the Indy 500 except it's on the water, it lasts 2 and 1/2 months there are no pit crews...
November 10th begins the 10th edition of the Vondee globe, the round the world non-stop solo sailing race. The last Edition was incredible and exciting. One sailors craft split in half 800 miles southwest of Cape Town. There are a few sailors I favor, Pip Hare, Alex Thompson, but my favorite is...
Just spent four days at Whites landing on Catalina. The scenery is the best I have experienced yet on the Island. No services, no cell signal. I canoed to a nearby empty cove, hiked up a canyon, spooked a bald eagle, (he popped out 10 feet from me) heard the trickle of water and found a natural...
I did a review of the Dansko slip-on shoe a few years ago and I stand by it. I spent most of my life wearing Topsiders like a second skin but the quality declined and I was going through a pair in less than a year. The Danskos are designed for professionals like nurses who spend lots of time on...
Great photo. But it makes me curious. Are you sailing wing and wing or in the middle of a gyb/tack? I only ask because the main and the jib are flying opposite sides, or at least it appears to me from the photo. Cheers!
I've written before about various boat names I had considered. It never occurred to me that life events could drive such a change, instead of a whim. So the vessel "Roxanne" will re-christened "Beth Ann" after my sister who passed away at home on Saturday at noon, surrounded by family. She was...
A neighbor at my marina has a garden leaf rake hauled to the top of the mast, tines up. Its possible the fan of the tines resembles the fan of a larger birds tail feathers. Is your mast taller than the surrounding vessels? While working at maintaining a fleet of sailboats I had one particular...