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Recent content by bsangs

  1. bsangs

    Setting off around the world!

    As much as I have enjoyed reading your stories and viewing your photos, nothing quite made me smile/laugh as much as the ”baby” hanging out right near the water. Get that thing a life jacket - stat. :D
  2. bsangs

    Safe to temporarily bypass a hot water heater and use engine?

    I do think the Whale was the original, Jeff. Came with the boat according to the previous owner. Unrelated, two years ago I actually managed to track down the wife of the (deceased) previous-previous owner. She provided me with a survey done in the early 2000’s and it mentions the Whale. So...
  3. bsangs

    Safe to temporarily bypass a hot water heater and use engine?

    Yup, exactly. And the coolant in turn is leaking out the hot water heater.
  4. bsangs

    Safe to temporarily bypass a hot water heater and use engine?

    That's the same way I do it Jeff, including using the -100 non-tox antifreeze. This is engine coolant leaking from the hot water tank though, not the antifreeze. (Now, maybe there is some antifreeze mixing in with the engine coolant, but red/pink is definitely the dominant color.) I don't know...
  5. bsangs


    I'm not sure how much help these will be for you, but will post them anyway. It's a 35-3. Don't take a lot of photos of our davits, so the options are limited. You'll probably have to zoom in a little. Hope it helps somewhat.
  6. bsangs

    Safe to temporarily bypass a hot water heater and use engine?

    Nothing of recent vintage, unfortunately. Just a few of the tank itself. Next time I'm over will take some fresh pics.
  7. bsangs

    Safe to temporarily bypass a hot water heater and use engine?

    Thanks Loren. I realize the hot water heater can be taken out of the equation for the engine to work, I just want to make sure I do the new equation properly. I don't know if it's as simple as coupling the engine coolant intake and output lines together during the tank's downtime. Theoretically...
  8. bsangs

    Safe to temporarily bypass a hot water heater and use engine?

    "Radiance" has a Yanmar 3GM30F engine that runs to a six-gallon Whale F600 hot water heater under the cockpit. Aside from winterizing the Whale, have never really paid much attention to it, since in the immortal words of Steve Jobs, "It just works." Well, it did just work anyway. Now it's...
  9. bsangs

    Paper Charts and SSB Radio

    Yeah, I carry some paper charts with me as a "backup" - though mainly because my wife finds them romantic, sailing-wise - but don't think a sextant is high up on my list of needs.
  10. bsangs

    Factory original bilge pumps in 32-3

    At the risk of reviving a long dead thread, replaced my bilge and scupper hoses this offseason. Good God, was that a lot of fun. :rolleyes: (And with what came out of those hoses, I hope to never see the insides of the head and holding tank hoses.)
  11. bsangs


    I used Marelube liberally before it completely locked on me - because mine was also quite difficult to close/open - but it was either too late in the game from previous owner neglect of that valve, or it simply didn't work.
  12. bsangs


    They're no guarantee either. We had the Marelon valves. Last winter I closed the sink drain for the season and it completely froze up by the time spring came around. Couldn't get it open to save my life. Tried literally every trick/suggestion in the book. Eventually had her pulled and replaced...
  13. bsangs

    E35-3 Quarter berth Deck Dorade.

    I've never successfully unclogged that box drain. Tried several different ways and got bubkes each time. I assume the previous owners ignored it for years. So I have the hose valve closed, and if I do manage to get water in that box, just suck it out with my handheld shop vac. Ours came with a...
  14. bsangs

    E35-3 Quarter berth Deck Dorade.

    If you do find the "scoop", just remember to cap that opening before sailing or washing the deck, unless you enjoy a damp quarter berth. Ask me how I know. :)