I'm having the leak problem in a brand new Oberdorfer. I tried adding gasket seal but still leaking. AFIK i can't buy just the gasket but need to buy the impeller and o-ring kit. Am I correct that the O-ring is not supposed to be used with the gasket (i.e either one or the other). Original had...
I bought an E29 last October. Was clean, had new paint, thtough hulls etc. Universal engine in good shape. I had to replace all the standing rigging and the mast step. Spreaders were rotten. Love the boat and now I'm commited! Oh yes, had to replace the dreaded Hurd 50 transmission.
Engine and prop shaft are all good. That said I am only getting about 1 or 2 knots regardless of engine speed. Might be transmission disks -- any other theories?