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Recent content by goldenstate

  1. goldenstate


    Final note: The best reason to go through the hoops of re-doing one's power system is that it forces you to understand what all the damn wires are there for.
  2. goldenstate


    Why do you need 220 effective (50% of rated AGM) amp hours? (Do you have a "power budget"?) I don't think the alternator brand matters a great deal if it fits your engine and if you are simply relying on a voltage measure to determine how well charged your system is. If you are trying to get...
  3. goldenstate

    Sailing Shoe Reviews

    Astral Loyak, water shedding, tremendous grip, but soles harden up after a season.
  4. goldenstate

    E-32 Bow configuration ?’S

    Are you abandoning/enclosing your anchor locker?
  5. goldenstate

    Deep cycle or dual purpose batteries?

    A deep-cycle battery means that a battery can be discharged "deeply" without damaging the battery. A dual-purpose battery means that it is good at providing a lot of power for a short time (like starting an engine, or winching in an anchor rode) and good at providing a little power over a...
  6. goldenstate

    Hey guys, newbie here, & to Ericsons. Looking

    This boat has been for sale for some time and looks like a happy little candidate: https://sfbay.craigslist.org/eby/boa/d/alameda-ericson-28-sailboat-excellent/7711309844.html If it's really excellent as stated, $14.5K is a bargain.
  7. goldenstate

    Three Bridge Fiasco

    @vanilladuck made a movie about our race. Second in our class!
  8. goldenstate

    Lost Sailor

    https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/missing-california-sailor-found-near-hawaii-18649350.php This guy was found. As others have mentioned, his lack of communications gear suggests poor planning. I spoke to my wife every day at noon over a scratchy iridium go modem connection. My $430...
  9. goldenstate

    Kenyon Gooseneck Reinforcing Plates

    I think the acute force of a fast gybe is more apt to reveal the design weakness of the Kenyon boom end than gradual tension from a vang. I was able to get a replacement fitting fairly easily but they are not cheap.
  10. goldenstate

    Baja Ha Ha sinking

    What is the name of the boat being delivered?
  11. goldenstate

    Baja Ha Ha sinking

    https://www.latitude38.com/lectronic/boat-bum-gal-sinks-on-baja-ha-ha/ There was a "professional" delivery captain on board, one I can only assume had been paid to provide guidance to a novice owner. What gave me special pause was that I once entered negotiations with the same guy to deliver...
  12. goldenstate

    Cheap Spinnaker pole for a 32, Berkeley

    Not my listing, looks like the right size.... https://sfbay.craigslist.org/eby/bpo/d/berkeley-14-spinnaker-pole/7667908551.html
  13. goldenstate

    Headliner woes/replacement?

    Ottertex on Amazon, beige. https://sailboatrefit.com/replacing-sideliners/
  14. goldenstate

    Boom Fitting

    I paid up for the internal version for form and function. An internal replacement looks sleeker and if anyone is ever struck by the boom unexpectedly, the nuts and bolts on the external bails are potentially injurious protrusions. But either choice will work.... .02,
  15. goldenstate

    Headboard sail shackle woes

    I would want to keep a strong attachment network in the area aloft where my halyard meets my main sail. Dyneema sounds like a good temporary fix.