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    Join us on September 27th, 7pm EDT

    for the CBEC Virtual Meeting

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Recent content by Jim Baldwin

  1. J

    E27 waterline

    Why worry? Why do you care where the exact design waterline is supposed to be? You are now looking at the true waterline. Unless you plan to change things around a lot, why worry about it? I have helped build and launch a few boats and I can tell you that the designed waterline is...
  2. J

    would love some words of wisdom

    To many questions... Gel coat cracks... Lots of different approaches here from epoxy fillers and coatings to complete removal of old gelcoat. Depends on how bad is it cracking? Spiderweb cracks all over and big cracks around fittings? How much time do you have to spend on it and how...
  3. J

    Mast Step Reinforcement

    looking good... John Hey, it looks great from here. Looks like your doing a very nice job. I see you have completely done away with the cross piece above the door. This looks great but is it OK? I had a serious compression problem that required all the ceiling support I could think...
  4. J

    Mast Step Reinforcement

    E32 fix cont... The curved piece of wood above the door was installed at the factory. I had to replace it because I had buggered it up getting it out. I also realized that it was going to need more than just a little 1/4" shim. Above the wood, between the liner and deck is a solid...
  5. J

    Crackling deck on e-27

    crackling sounds Old, dried out gel-coat makes crackling noises when you walk on it, whether you see visible cracks or not. This is probably what you are hearing and not any major delamination issues. (Kinda like walking on egg shells?) This is not serious but just sounds awful. Unless...
  6. J

    Mast Step Reinforcement

    Look it up You should be able to research this project right here. I have made this fix myself and have written about it as well as others. This seems to be a common problem with the E32. Over-tension on the standing rigging can compress and deform the cabin top and crack the interior liner...
  7. J

    When should I consider replacing my standing rigging?

    One more thing and one more thing... Hi Jeff: Just a couple of things to consider while your busy spending more money... New masthead antenna. (The one with a long attached coax cable which you then run to a splitter for the VHF and AM/FM radios.) New Windex, (the kind that...
  8. J

    Hull configuration?

    bla bla bla I am just having fun... I hope everyone else is too. I also think I am learning a lot by reading all the comments. I do want sailing to become second nature to me and that means that I will have to spend some time racing (as Seth suggests). I bet Sven's grandfather would have...
  9. J

    Using your camera

    Let me see... The least you could do is post it for us... Ha ha Now that you have started taking pictures, the next thing is enlargement and framing. Now your boat pictures should start showing up around the house and and then next to the picture of your wife and kids on your desk at...
  10. J

    Hull configuration?

    Racer vs Cruiser Thanks Bud... I think it sounded like I was a bit of a cry-baby because I had a few critical comments about about my born-to-race buddy and his spartan ways. I'll admit that cruisers could learn a lot from the race guys but, I also think that racers could learn a thing or...
  11. J

    Hull configuration?

    Race Report I have to admit that my friend and his ratty boat did well. I believe we finished 2nd over-all in corrected time. We actually did come in ahead of an E38 and a Cal36. My friend's ratty boat is really set-up just to race. He has spared no expense top-side to have everything...
  12. J

    Hull configuration?

    Am I just chicken? Thanks to Loren and Seth... There is so much to learn, I never feel like I know half enough. I have been sailing on and off for quite a few years but I have never done any racing. All these years, I have done my best to stay as far away from the other boat as practical...
  13. J

    Hull configuration?

    I recently was invited to go club racing with a guy in his Newport 28. I told him we could take my boat, (E27) if he wanted to. His boat is a bit on the ratty side while mine is well maintained. Anyway, he told me that we would stand a much better chance in the race with his Newport because...
  14. J

    Ericson 28+ Refurb Project

    Noah Sounds like you have big plans... I replaced the old rub-rail with a TACO product on my E27. It looks great and so does the new paint job. (We are talking major work here). A little advice, (since you asked). I recently completed a two and a half-year restoration on this little...
  15. J

    Ericson 27 engine smell

    wife's number one complaint Engine odors are a fact of life... You can only completely eliminate them by sticking to a row boat. Gasoline fumes however, are another issue. Track them down and shut them down... Now! It sounds like your ventilation stuff is probably OK. You at least, have...