Thank you! I was hoping there'd be an easier solution. I still feel like if I can apply an air hose to the shaft seal nipple and blow air through the shaft seal and stearn tube to keep it dry for 4 hours or so, I can apply the epoxy putty in a dry environment and that might do the trick. The...
Thank you! I was hoping there'd be an easier solution. I still feel like if I can apply an air hose to the shaft seal nipple and blow air through the shaft seal and stearn tube to keep it dry for 4 hours or so, I can apply the epoxy putty in a dry environment and that might do the trick. The...
I've discovered a tiny seep/leak at the shaft log where it is glassed through the hull, before it reaches the PSS dripless. Bilge pump turns on once every 3 hours or so so its not urgent, but definitely annoying.
Getting access to this area is very difficult and means taking up the sole in...
After consulting with Hydrovane about my installation they noted it was a patchwork of parts and said it wasn’t safe. They recommended:
The most correct path forward is to replace the top bracket with a completely new ‘E’ Bracket. I have quoted this option below; as you have an E bracket pad...
Right again on both accounts! The key was bound into the key way on the coupler. Had to remove it all. Shop is working on releasing it. Doesn’t seem like a new prop shaft is necessary.
Will be installing the vent for the drip less. Previously this was closed off by a nut.
I’m glad you said this. Indeed the PSS shaft seal is shot and I am scrambling to get a replacement.
Had a serious issue motoring into very strong current with 30 knots on the nose. Engine was very hot and then the prop shaft coming through the hull at the seal overheated and started smoking...
It’s expensive. There is a good machine shop next door. Knowledgeable guys. But they don’t have much experience on sailboats. Mostly all large sport fishing boats. You can work on your boat but they charge a fee of $60/ day I believe.
Watch out for the Papagayos on the trip down…
Getting down...
Excellent advice, thank you. The PSS is on order and I’m very very glad I asked this question and got so much emphasis on maintaining it. I sent pics of my PSS to the yard and their response was that it clearly looked beyond its useful life, so timing is good.
Thank you everyone for the great feedback. I should have posted this question 2 months ago to give me time to order the PSS maintenance kit. I am hoping the boat yard carries these parts but not likely.
Next week I'm hauling out for the first time since owning my E-38. It's a 150nm to get down to the boat yard from where I live in Costa Rica and so I want to make the most of being on the hard (for as short a time as possible). I'd appreciate any advice on maintenance that should be considered...
Christian, if one is simply replacing the throttle and transmission cables, does the entire pedestal have to be unscrewed and removed, or can I remove the compass assembly on top, expose the cables and levers for disconnecting, and thread the cables down (or fish them up) and into the quarter berth?