If you're running your outhaul line down through a turning block at the cabin top, then to a deck or cabintop winch, there is no worry about purchase. Your effective purchase I believe is the sum of your internal block purchase and your winch purchase. So, if your internal bloom block...
The whole point of a loose footed main is to allow for more sail adjustment. So, I'm talking about any sailing situation where that adjustment is important, as is particularly the case in upwind/downwind sailing. Downwind I relax the outhaul to let the sail belly out. Upwind, with a loose...
Late to this. One point that hasn't been touched on (at least in a quick skim) is the loose footed main. If you are new to a loose footed main, make sure you have a strong out haul. The 3 to 1 internal that came with my custom boom was not sufficient. And I've heard J/105 people...
The wind here is definitely pretty steady/predictable, especially in the summer. However the winter has a lot of 3-6 kt days that I have been avoiding, since the boat isn't that fun in < 7 kts, especially downwind. I am envisioning a sail that I can use to liven that up, but not so...
I have a cruising asymmetrical and drifter both, with the drifter also flown as a fly sail. Both were custom made for my boat (E30-1) by Banks. Spinnaker is .75 oz nylon while the drifter is 1.5 oz nylon. The spinnaker is a lot fuller with a tons more sail area high up. The drifter is...
In rebuilding our boat we tabbed our new bulkheads to the ceiling and it (along with everything else we did) made the boat much much stiffer. So here's a vote for retabbing bulkheads if you're going to the trouble of rebuilding them. Actually, the bulkheads on the E32 may not have been...
If you're doing outside jibes you have to run it in front, from the bow roller. The unusually short bow roller is a problem. I can't tell from the picture if it is integral to the stem head or bolted on. If bolted on you might want to look around for a longer one or even have one...
I'm the E-30 owner in Portland with the complete rebuild. I agree with the post stating every project you mention is doable by a boat owner. Glassing takes some practice and skill. Replacing hoses/fuel tanks can be done by anyone who can swing a wrench so long as they have the patience to...
Power - 16' Glasspar Avalon outboard owned by my parents starting in 1961. I was either 8 or 9. Extensive amount of time running that thing around while growing up because my dad didn't like doing it and I was the oldest.
Sail - El Toro owned by friends of my parents. They allowed...
How many people are going to sleep on it?
If you're interested in keeping the layout faithful to something the boat had originally, the layouts were as follows:
All layouts had the V-berth of course; either what I saw in your picture or very similar to it. This is suitable for sleeping one...
Looks like your predecessor (or someone in the ownership chain) did quite a few add-ons. And it looks like they were into teak.
It looks like your boat has the original cockpit coamings and toe rails (and they were teak originally). The teak on the starboard cockpit bench is not original...
When you say gutted and stripped do you mean everything in the interior, including bulkheads? If so, you have a lot of options for a rebuild. There were about three different interior configurations. What your particular boat had may not be optimal for your current needs. It would be...
There was one for sale in Hawaii for quite a long time. It had chainplates repositioned to the outside of the hull. Looked to be well maintained from my recollection. Good looking bottom paint. Don't have any idea whether it found its way to Australia recently.
If you're interested in the...
You can also try vang sheeting for upwind sailing if you have a strong vang and strong boom. Center the traveler and forget about it. Next, tighten down the vang until you can notice the sail start to flatten above where the vang connects to the boom. For traveler substitution purposes that...
If you're comparing that 29 against Atomic-4 gasoline 29s that could be worth the price difference right there, assuming the current diesel is low hours and in good shape.
My suggestions:
As you say, visit the boats to determine whether the accommodations/storage will suit your needs. It may...