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Recent content by RedDog

  1. RedDog

    Table Keeps Sliding Down

    Settee table or cockpit table? In my E35II there is no hole in the floor for either, so it can not slip down
  2. RedDog

    Fuel disposal?

    Yes, Satan does tempt the faithful. I would go into a NAPA store with my oil drain pan and buy some oil or other products you will need and you will find them very accommodating. Just dump it there. Their waste oil service deals with whatever they find in that tank without missing a beat.
  3. RedDog

    Fuel disposal?

    I have been faced with this problem too. Dump it into the waste oil tank at a Marina or auto parts store. Diesel is not “gas”. Diesel creates no explosion hazard.
  4. RedDog

    ATN Mastclimber line recommendations, etc.

    True…A “stretchy” halyard is a defective halyard. New England Sta-Set for example has very low stretch.
  5. RedDog

    Fairing, sanding, and painting the deckhead

    Wow!! You are a brave soul! That’s a lot of love you are pouring into Rumour! It’s going to be beautiful. Please post again showing the finished deck head.
  6. RedDog

    The Awkwardness of Prop Walk, Illustrated [and Propeller Choices]

    Christian, this prop looks like it will work on my E35. What do you think? https://www.ebay.com/itm/234963105242?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=vkO9mHVeR1q&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=mM_u9L_KQMO&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  7. RedDog

    The Awkwardness of Prop Walk, Illustrated [and Propeller Choices]

    Thank you! I found a prop on eBay that I believe will work in my E35 https://www.ebay.com/itm/234963105242?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=vkO9mHVeR1q&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=mM_u9L_KQMO&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  8. RedDog

    The Awkwardness of Prop Walk, Illustrated [and Propeller Choices]

    Would like to know if my 1973 E35 MkII has a prop shaft with splines or tapered with a key.
  9. RedDog

    Propeller for E35 Mk II

    Have Atomic 4 30hp. Need propeller. What is most popular prop for this Ericson?
  10. RedDog

    INSURANCE (Combined threads)

    Yes. theoretically:-) But....Geico, Progressive, Hagerty, all said no for a 51 year old Ericson.
  11. RedDog

    INSURANCE (Combined threads)

    Many thanks! I've got work to do!
  12. RedDog

    INSURANCE (Combined threads)

    I realize how old this thread is but I'm still without insurance. My E35 Mk2 is from 1972. The limit I have discovered, is 50 years, and Coqui is 51. I can't get hauled-out! without insurance.
  13. RedDog

    Ericson 35-III Fuel tank

    Yes, I would like to cut a cleanout into the top. I think this would be the best option.
  14. RedDog

    Ericson 35-III Fuel tank

    My tank is for gasoline. It does not leak but it sat for 5 years and has an amazing amount of goo in there. It is so bad that I have abandoned the tank and now run the engine from a 5 gallon can in the cockpit. The thick brown putty that comes out will foul any filter made in minutes. From...
  15. RedDog

    Ericson 35-III Fuel tank

    My 1974 E35-2 has a really trashed gas tank. Is it really possible to replace this tank?