Jeeze... I was just sitting here, feeling sorry for myself (metal-on-metal hip in self-destruct mode now) and saw your video. Thanks for the words of wisdom Christian - they could have not come at a better time. Much peace and strength to you both - and of course an invitation to come to New...
Hi Everyone...
Hope you guys had a nice was chilly here in New Hampshire, briefly warm and and now plunging again -- but NO snow... =(
I will be summing up the fund raising in a couple of days (closes on the 15th) and will be sending out thank you notes, etc. The site went...
Happy Holidays from!
Greetings from Southern New Hampshire! We hope this finds you and your families healthy and happy and enjoying what should prove to be a great holiday! I can tell you that December here has proven to be quite odd, and while we've gotten one good snow...
This appears (to me at least) to be a phishing attempt.
We don't have a URL - just - so this is something you likely want to avoid.
Also, registering for this site is not that difficult. If you have any issues at all, all you need to do is reach out to us and it...
Yeah, if your vent line has a dip or bend in it, where small bits of fuel can sit, the escaping air pressure during fueling will build until it overcomes the weight of the fuel in the vent line - forcing it out (spitting). Whereas, if the vent line is straight back to the tank, and any fuel in...
My God. I recall once in Port Townsend, we were eating dinner and Meeta asked me "...are the buildings supposed to be going by like that?" Panicked, I raced onto the deck and pulled the anchor (35# Bruce + chain) up hand over hand the fastest I've ever done it. Pulled the muscles in both...
What's going on with the title of this thread? What's with the bracketed portions? You know you can add tags to any post or thread which will allow them to be categorized together, whereas adding this to the start of the title will obfuscate it in searches...
So, looking at the post of Christians list postings... My thought is that perhaps we could have a separate forum, managed by the moderators, that would essentially be a master subject list of posts for each of these areas. Then, each post could have multiple hot links to other relevant...
Two diagrams of Ericson 30 and Ericson 30+ rudders, with dimensions shown.
Images compliments of Donald Proul of Foss Company, holders of the original Ericson rudder molds. Please contact Foss at
Thank you for your interest...
Just noticed your post and no responses on it. Where are you on this issue? I ask as we have a second E30 owner asking for rudder dims also... I have just sent Foss Rudder a request for this info and will be happy to pass it along once I get it back.