Our efforts to make it to Deer Harbor were derailed…twice. Motoring out Guemes Channel on Friday afternoon we ran into sloppy seas that stirred up the gunk at the bottom of the tank. Several hours later, after changing out the Racor we were able to limp back to the dock and regroup. We left the...
Our E28 also suffered from low speed from a fixed 2 blade prop. We switched to a Flex-o-fold 2 bladed folding prop. Not only did I see speed of 6 knots under power, but also an increase of sailing speed of .5 to 1 knot. Although the cost is significant, I highly recommend that you consider a...
I used to have a similar issue. When I investigated, I found that the engine harness connected to the panel through two “trailer-type” connectors with aluminum pins. Not only did the connector subject the connection to corrosion, but I also found a loop of “extra” coiled up wire that was at...
Thank you all for your input. I decided to go with a 110. My wife actually made a strong argument that due to the often light winds in the San Juan’s during the summer, the 90% might prove to be disappointing and we would always have the ability to roll up a larger sail if we wanted. Who would...
I am in the process of replacing the jib for our boat. I often sail solo, cruise instead of race and the old 135 needs to go. My quandary is that I was contemplating a jib where the clew would just kiss the shrouds. Although that will make short-handed tacking a joy, the resulting sail will be...
I have owned a 28-2 and I recently moved her up to Anacortes on the same dock as Geoff. I have the 5’ 6” keel, so I can’t speak to the shallow keel sailing characteristics. Our boat is a fantastic light air sailer, but starts to get over powered at about 15 knots. Using some backstay tension...
I am thinking of installing a PSS shaft seal on my 1986 E28. My questions are these:
Does anyone have one installed on a E28?
Did you need to drop the rudder to install it?
Any special issues in the install?
If installed by a yard, how much did it cost installed?
Did anyone install it...
I was watching a video on ESPN about Ted Turner and the 1979 Fastnet Race. Here is a link http://espn.go.com/30for30/film?page=tedturnersgreatestrace . The documentary included an appearance by one of our own, Christian Williams.
I was in awe of your singlehanded trip to Hawaii, but this...
I think Special K is going to be in slip F-51. My current plan is to keep the boat there during the week to take advantage of Poulsbo's Third of July fireworks.
Food for thought...
I also keep my Ericson on Lake Union. (Alot of Ericsons for such a small lake!) We have a 1986 E28. I do most of my sailing single-handed and I believe there is value in having a boat small enough to easily get away from the dock by yourself and back without fear of...