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Recent content by tenders

  1. tenders

    weird A4 question

    Not a dumb question at all. Yes, you add the MMO to the fuel, same as you would with an old two-stroke engine. I use 2oz of MMO per 5 gallons of fuel. It adds just a little more lubricity to the valve stem so that it moves more readily. Going back to your original post, if you aren’t getting...
  2. tenders

    Disappointed with Ryan’s Marine – Would Not Recommend

    Vote to remove this as spam; there is no way, and no reason, to substantiate its truth or its source. This is an anonymous complaint about a specific company that belongs on Yelp, maybe, not here.
  3. tenders

    32-3 “Dripless” PSS v traditional stuffing box. Opinions, please?

    How would that work? You buy quoits of flax that slide over the end of the shaft, without having to be cut and without having to so carefully offset the joints? Interesting.
  4. tenders

    weird A4 question

    The valves in that cylinder have a tendency to stick. I run a few ounces of Marvel Mystery Oil in my fuel all season to keep ahead of that tendency and it’s worked for decades. This has been discussed at the Moyer Marine forums, which are an incredible source of A4 expertise.
  5. tenders

    32-3 “Dripless” PSS v traditional stuffing box. Opinions, please?

    I had a dripless shaft seal for many years and was never very comfortable with it. It wasn’t bone-dry, replacing the bellows requires separating the shaft from the coupling (a horrible job on my v-drive setup), and its design allows it to go from functioning to catastrophe in a matter of...
  6. tenders

    Has anyone rebuilt a Walter V drive?

    This would be a good question to pose at moyermarineforum.com. I have a Walter V-Drive on my Atomic Four which I presume is vintage 1969. I've never done anything to it except occasionally top off the oil. Walter swiftly sent me a blank coupling almost thirty years ago - the 3/4" shaft version...
  7. tenders

    New Nav Application (iOS devices)

    This seems to be a UK-centric app, to the point of not being usable in the US.
  8. tenders

    Zen and the Art of Sailboat Maintenance

    Outside of a dog, a book is a man’s best friend. Inside of a dog, it’s too dark to read.
  9. tenders

    Sewing Sundays with Mom

    FWIW, I remember that upgrading my regular household machine’s bulb to LED was a bit difficult because the bulb (vintage 1993) had no markings on it and the manual didn’t specify anything about it. My model is a White 1620 and there are millions of very similar machines out there with all kinds...
  10. tenders

    Raw Water Cooled Atomic4, not flushing water out wet exhaust.

    The A4 thermostat is a peculiar design and unless you’ve replaced it with one that behaves the way it should, it is surely part of the problem. This has been discussed at length in the Moyer forums. I would suggest removing the thermostat altogether, blocking off the bypass hose between the...
  11. tenders

    Mast support on 1971 Ericson 32

    Those cracks are - I won’t say normal, I won’t say nothing to worry about - TYPICAL with this design. It seems as though your boat has been reinforced with a crossbeam, although the photos are difficult to place. That reinforcement, plus the fact that the cracks do not seem to be leaking or...
  12. tenders

    Inherited Small Inverter - fire hazard? useless?

    Oh, those things work, as long as your circuit has sufficient capacity to provide the 12V input to them. 75 watts out of the inverter probably suggests needing at least 15 amps out of the 12V DC circuit feeding the inverter. Check your fuse and the wiring gauge to see how feasible that is for...
  13. tenders

    Nice video about Christian W !!

    Christian's Ted Turner biography (1981) was a great read, starting with the title ("Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way"), and I found the telling of the '79 Fastnet race to be particularly exciting - especially having previously read Rousmaniere's "Fastnet, Force 10" version (1980).
  14. tenders

    Uniden Voyager hand held vhf

    Will something like this work? https://www.amazon.com/Belker-Adjustable-Universal-Household-Electronics/dp/B07NKZCWT1/
  15. tenders

    Thinking Ahead to Glassing in a Bottom Thru-Hull

    I would say that gluing chunks of G10 into a hole will not have the same degree of adhesion and stress absorption that stacked layers of cloth will. There will be hard spots that will tend to fail.