Time to bite the bullet and install a holding tank on our sail boat for the SF bay area (Jack London Square). Our basic plan to buy something from Ronco that will fit in the "hanging area" behind the head. I think I have a basic idea of how to select the tank, but I'm not sure how to deal with...
I've recently purchased and have been restoring an Ericson 35-2 and I'm starting into one of the four big projects that this boat needs done. The first one I want to tackle is the freshwater tank.
I don't know too much about ericson's but I have been going through the manual, it looks like this...
Can anyone tell me what the specs are for the original boom? My 35-2 was modified to a short boom that just comes to the forward edge of the cockpit. I'd like to restore it to the original. So, if anyone knows the manufacturer and dimensions, I would appreciate the information.
Just about done refinishing the 32 and getting it ready to head for Oriental NC. Running new rigging it has the orginal wood spreaders. Has anyone had luck replacing them. Im thinking using Ash and seal with epoxy Or did someone have aluminum ones made? If so how much did it cost
Greetings all,
This is my first post as a new member. I have been looking at a 1970 Ericson 26' for purchase. My sailing experience dates from a long time ago and was not very substantial at that. The boat in question has a slightly wiggly chain plate. It is the most aft plate in a set of...
greetings fellow vikings... i l@@ked at an e25 today, they
guy thought is was a 1983 or so...the molding and interior didn't
look it to me... hull id # is >>
so...its been a while since i red the numbers...but, i believe he has
a ericson 25, hull 112 , built in...
I have been working on an old E 35 for some time now and was contemplating letting her go. If anyone is interested in partnering up to share expenses I would be willing to Give full access and 1/2 ownership to the right person. I am in the marine business and have all the contacts needed to...
Moving up to E-38, my 1970 30-1 has got to go.
I have owned since 1989.
Good news, Currently installing a 1989 Yanmar 2 gm f. Atomic 4 is out.
PY shaft seal, all thru hulls changed to ball valves. Large sail inventory, 153 Mylar North, 140, Mylar Shore, 130 dacron, 170 dacron...
Not mine, and hoping someone sees the value in this: http://sfbay.craigslist.org/eby/boa/281407345.html Look at the bulkhead in photo; doesn't it look a bit water stained? For a $5000.00 price it would seem a lot of TLC - money and work, would bring it right. - Chris
ebay item # >> 150068384270
l@@ks pretty rough, only $200, good project
for some sailor out there...near the great lakes...
i have no financial interest in this boat.....
I bought a E 32 1970 and I would like to change the cutlass bearing because there is some vibration. I cleaned the strut and found out that there are no set screws !!! It looks like there is no brass around that bearing (only rubber). Did anyone ever change a cutlass bearing on an...
no hull number I can find so far on this 1970 model Ericson 29 in Port Orchard Wa. The registration papers use the engine no for the hull ident no. When i pulled the 10 gal gas tank it had "ericson 29 protto tank" written on bottom. Any ideas where to look for a number?
My newly acquired 1970 Ericson 26 has an inboard tiller. There's a small amount of play, which I can live with. However, the tiller is offcenter to starboard about five degrees! Does anyone know how this can be adjusted? There are three set screws in the shaft head, a collar the same diameter as...
Looking to see if anyone has replaced their sails and could steer us towards
a sailmaker in the south orange county area.
Looking to replace the main and the furling jib.
Chris Haug
Ericson 32 #214 :egrin:
I recently inherited a 1970 E 30. It's a tiller model with a wheel retrofitted. I am a novice and am trying to get the boat sailable. A mechanic told me the stuffing box is leaking, but that on this boat the engine must be pullled to work on it. He says the fuel tank prevents access. He also...
I have an old E32 which I use for an educational project in the Northeast.
In order to raise funds for this program, I am exploring the possibility of leasing the boat during dormant seasons, possible during the winter in a southern climate and possibly during July and August in the Northeast...