Ericson 30-1 For sale 1970 Hull # 144
Boat has been in my back yard for two years.
I have owned since 1989.
Good news, Atomic 4 is out, not running
PY shaft seal, all thru hulls changed to ball valves. Large sail inventory, 153 Mylar North, 140, Mylar Shore, 130 dacron, 170 dacron...
Moving up to E-38, my 1970 30-1 has got to go.
I have owned since 1989.
Good news, Currently installing a 1989 Yanmar 2 gm f. Atomic 4 is out.
PY shaft seal, all thru hulls changed to ball valves. Large sail inventory, 153 Mylar North, 140, Mylar Shore, 130 dacron, 170 dacron...
Things are coming together nicely for restoration of Fawkes, E 30-1. Having semi-recovered from Katrina and a busy October racing one-designs (Fish Class sloops), I can focus on her. Found an engine suitable for conversion on e-bay and will spend the weekend cleaning and painting the engine...
Somewhere on this forum someone wrote about repowering and the replacement diesel did not fit the space alotted for the motor. I have found a BMW D-50 engine for my E 30-1 Fawkes. Since I don't have the measurements of the engine I have found, I was wondering if anyone on the forum is familiar...
When I first got my Ericson last month I wrote asking about the underbody of the boat ( I haven't seen mine out of the water and I know it has rudder damage) and was given some very good information--to contact Bruce King for the line drawings. This I did and received them. My question is has...
Hi! Does anyone have a drawing of the underbody of the E 30-1. I looked through the brochures posted in Specs and Documents, but couldn't find my boat--just a color photo of the hull. I need to see how the rudder and keel are attached to the hull. Thanks for any information....