Hello there,
Does anyone have any spec details on the top rudder bearing for a 911, or do I have to first disassemble and measure?
Rudder post OD? Seems to be 2.5"
Too to bottom height? (Standard or low profile?)
Compatible replacement bearing vendor part number? My top plate shows Harken...
First post - as a new Olson 911SE owner.
...Does anyone have true numbers, ideas, processes, or suggestions of the general tuning for the 911SE rig? Mine is non-furler, tough luff. I am looking for headstay tension, and standing rigging tuning numbers.
Thanks guys! Hopefully someone has...
If you are an epoxy (West Systems) expert and can spare a minute and a phone call pls call. 7:20 PM CDT. I'm at the boat and the stuff is smoking. Too hot to touch the deck that it is under. Got the fire extin. out just in case.
In a couple of days I will be the new owner of a 911SE!
Can someone tell me the difference between a 911S and a 911SE if there is any?
Actually any information beyond the archive file would be more than appreciated.
As part of a new family, Thanks
D A V E:egrin: