After she was hauled in Rockland, she was quickly brought in the booth and the prep started. It was now September, and we were racing to get the boat back to our yard for the winterizing and storage. Most of these pictures are just like so many others, so I will just let them talk.
I present to you my recently acquired 1973 Ericson 27. As a first-time, totally misguided, and overly optimistic boat owner, I figured she just needed a little TLC to get her rollin'.
Apart from two frozen winches, a busted portlight, a steady leak at the prop shaft and the termite-ridden...
My e-25 is now ready for paint after literally weeks of prepping and sanding. After this much work, any cost differences in paint are irrelevant. I want the absolute longest lasting, most durable stuff I can get. I don't want to do this again for many, many years, if ever.
Where I live, we...
Well with the sailing season just around the corner, I would like to know what some of you think would be the best way to clean an awlgrip paint job. I read an article in cruising world that said you should use a "light detergent" with water. My question is what would a good light detergent...
No, we're not about to have it done to La Petite, she doesn't need it.
I read much of the Awlgrip site I am curious what the typical cost is and what it is based on (LoA, DWL, surface area ... ?).
Can scratches be repainted in or is it an all-or-nothing process ?
Has anyone had experience with the upkeep of Awlgrip? The hull was done last year by the yard, and I want to keep it shiny! What should I wash it down with?