Anyone know how or where I can replace the Bow Bumper Rail on a Ericson 35? I unscrewed the 2 bolts and took off the one side that was still intact. Looks like the front bumper just goes over the rubrail and there is just some putty or resin fill under the bumper.I bought her like this last year...
I Have An 27ft Ericson 1974, I Need To Replace The Nose Bumper/ It Was Pot Metal/ But Rubber Would Do Just Fine/ It's Inline With The Rubrail, Can Anyone Help/i'm In So.caif And My Phone # 818-445-9882
It was worth going to work today - got to see a cool bumper sticker as part of the process. It read:
Life is too short to sail an ugly boat.
Right on the money, and good thing we sail Ericsons!