I'm thinking of using my starboard side cockpit locker as a compartment for two 6V golf-cart batteries wired in a series. Knowing that these flooded cells will release hydrogen during charging, I want to provide some passive ventilation for this locker so as to avoid the build up of this...
Hi All,
Last night I had a very unfortunate accident. I was out sailing in 20+ knots of air and did not take my cowl vent off the dorade box. During a tack my jib sheet wrapped itself around the cowl vent and ripped the cowl vent and teak cover of the box off and in the drink. What I now...
I recently accidently kicked the port side cowl vent and it went straight overboard. Seems this is some strange size that I can't locate anywhere. Does anybody know where I can get a cowl vent which will fit over the deck fitting 3-1/4 " OD? My boat is a 1985 - 38. The vent i'm referring to is...
Has anyone used stainless steel cowl vents as replacements for the original rubbery-plastic ones? The vents on our 1984 E38 are looking terrible but I'm wondering if stainless is a bit too much on an Ericson.