my bilge pump discharge was teed into the manual bilge pump line. i want to install a thru hull next to the manual bilge pump discharge. i don't know how thick the hull is in that area and have searched but haven't been able to find any mention of the thickness of the hull
thanks for all your...
My E23 has a seacock located where the head used to be, I assume for discharge from the head. I have a porta-potty now, but could that throughhull be used for gray water discharge from a sink? I would like to build a sink in this area of the cabin.
Fred Nelson
Ericson 23 #344
Ad Astra
I know the Feds are considering legislation to control ALL discharge from ALL boats with a permiting/licensing system. So are all boats now going to be required to have another holding tank for grey water? I know the enviro-nazis would love that. Retrofitting an old boat like our Ericsons...
I have a blockage in my main bilge discharge hose. I ran water from both ends and it discharges, yet the bilge pump doesn't seem to quite get the water to the thru hole. I changed the pump, no change. I thought pulling another hose through would work, but I can't seem to move it aft of the...