I need a main sail; for my 1981 Ericson 36 Ron Holland design, used or new. Email me rgraham-at-tazmoe.com
Replace the -at- with the @ sign. Hopefully this will reduce spam.
Considering a E-36 RH. Its a 28+ years old.
So, what are the potential pitfalls unique to an E-36 a survey needs to concentrate on.
Is there balsa core below the water line, Lifeline stantion/balsa core deck issues, hull/keel joint, rudder post, standing rigging/mast?
Just posted: A 1983 E33 and E36 Owner's Bulletin regarding rigging and trim characteristics.
The document is out in the Docs Index - under both the E33 and E36 listings. To download, go to the Docs Index, or Click Here!
Thanks to Keith Parcells for the contribution! :egrin:
Hello, I will be looking at a 1982 Ericson 36 soon. I plan to sail the Puget Sound, the inside passage and do some costal runs down to Oregon. I will be sailing solo and sometimes with one other person. I don,t know much about these boats and how they handle on their different points of sailing...
I have a 1976 Ericson 36C and want to have two 20lb propane tanks on the boat. I am thinking about buying a premade fiberglass storage locker that holds the two tanks and putting it in the place of the teak cooler/console box in the cockpit. I would probably try to skin the outside with teak and...
Hello All,
I have one of these beasties and I would like any info at all about them. Sail characteristics, sea worthiness... I'm restoring this one (started out as a few minor repairs... 2 yrs ago) I've striped it down, removed headliner, what was left of a substitute floor, various...