
  1. Tom Metzger

    Handheld VHF interference

    I have the Datamarine 5100 instrument package with the remote readout mounted on the pedestal guard. This remote readout is wiping out the reception on my VHF handheld, as the squelch has to be set too high for the radio to be usable. I know that many Ericsons were sold in the eighties with...
  2. jmoses

    Brand New ICOM M88 Hand-Held for sale

    Folks, I have a brand new ICOM M88 (nor refurbished) still in the box with wrappers that I do not need. I already have several hand-helds! It's about a month old, turned on once to verify it works and lists for ~299.00. (plus tax depending on location). I'm looking for about $270-ish (pretty...