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    Join us on March 28th, 7pm EDT

    for the CBEC Virtual Meeting

    EY.o March Zoom Meeting

    All EYO members and followers are welcome to join the fun and get to know the people you've met online!

    See the link below for login credentials and join us!

    March Meeting Info

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main sail

  1. M

    Parting out E28 , 1988.

    Parting out a 1988 Ericson 28’ in Southern Maine New Main sail Interior cushions (immaculate upholstery) Universal M12 (runs great) Richie Compass Boom Mast Standing rigging Winches Lewmar hatches Alcohol stove Interior components like dining table Water tank Both electrical panels 120 Genoa...
  2. F5E82909-0E96-4C7F-8594-B74F3561CC04.jpeg


    New main. Not real pleased but it is what it is.
  3. Rigging Aloft

    Rigging Aloft
