I'm always amazed at the number of really neat things NOAA provides to us in the way of navigational, tidal and weather information to name a few. One of the fun and very useful projects for the Chesapeake is mapping of that pesky jelly fish/sea nettle. So, check this out as you're...
Looks like we have another source of realtime information on wind, temperatures, and other valuable items from a new NOAA Buoy project, the Chesapeake Bay Interpretive Buoy System. Here's the link:
and of course, there is the original National Data Buoy...
Found this site today. http://demo.geogarage.com/noaa/
It overlays NOAA charts on top of Google maps. You can move a slider to control the transparency of the chart overlay. As you zoom in, it automatically switches to the more detailed charts.
Pretty cool.
On July 4, NOAA introduced a new public service called the Online Chart Viewer. The Viewer lets mariners display [almost] any nautical chart in the national suite using only an Internet browser. Supported charts are updated weekly for notice to Mariner corrections by NOAA cartographers. The...
In a recent Boat US Magazine (March 2006)there is a artical that features a way to download free NOAA Charts. There are 1000s of charts online that you can download for free.
Good luck,
Wes Zimmerman :cheers: :cheers: