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    Join us on March 28th, 7pm EDT

    for the CBEC Virtual Meeting

    EY.o March Zoom Meeting

    All EYO members and followers are welcome to join the fun and get to know the people you've met online!

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    March Meeting Info

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  1. bozturk

    Ericson 32-3 steering cables keep jumping the quadrant

    I bought a 1985 Ericson 32-3 last year (my second Ericson 32) and my Edson steering system is giving me issues. The steering cables keep jumping the quadrant during a hard tack. I thought it was just loose steering cables, so I tightened them. Now it happened for the 3rd time and I am puzzled. I...
  2. Christian Williams

    Yacht Specialties Installation Manual Available

    I discovered I have the original Yacht Specialties Steering Manual, which covers installation, chain, cables, quadrant, stops, Morse cable control head attachments, and so on in detail. YS is long out of business but was the OE manufacturer for many Ericsons. See below. A better version now...
  3. Christian Williams

    Rudder Packing Gland Identification and Service

    Ok, tomorrow I re-pack the rudder packing gland and would like to do it right. This gland, which may be Yacht Specialties, has four bolts--not three, like the similar Edson model. In this design, both flanges are meant to be installed hard together. There is no adjustment to regulate...
  4. C

    Steering Quadrant

    Were all 38's built with Yacht Specialty quads? From review of the online catalog, and reading everyones comments about AP installs, it appears everyones quads are forward of the steering pedestal. I need to get back down to the boat, but mine surely has, what appears to be the steering quad...
  5. Akavishon

    Quadrant stop

    Last Sunday, we got slapped around pretty hard by gusty winds, right after sunset ... I later read on sailnet that a couple of boats nearby (Salem) were knocked down by sudden 35+ kt gusts, so I guess we did alright even if it looked hairy at times. However, today I noticed that one of my...
  6. D

    Wanted. Steering Quadrant for E32-2

    I'm converting my tiller to a wheel and am looking for a steering quadrant that will work with a 1972 E-32-2. Also looking for any other steering hardware you might want to part with, but the quadrant is the main thing for now. Please email me at Rick@ARmoz.com Thanks, Rick Andrews The...
  7. R

    E38 quadrant reinforcement pics

    Hello All, I completed the reinforcement plate to allow the installation of a belowdeck autopilot ram on the steering quadrant of my E38. The reinforcement plate is made of G10 or fiberglass laminate material that is 1/2" thick with additional spacers of the same material but 1" thick. The...
  8. CaptDan

    E35II quadrant access

    I'm in process of scoping out an S1 Wheelpilot install later this season, and plan to include the dreaded 'rudder sensor' feature when I begin the project. I hate to admit this, but I don't see an easy way to gain suitable access to the quadrant. How does anyone larger than the average six...
  9. J

    Removing Rudder Quadrant from Rudder Post

    All bolts holding the two halves of my rudder quadrant together are hopelessly seized, including the single bolt going through the quadrant and rudder post. In fact, the head of that bolt is about to shear off because I was able to get to wrench to turn the head, but am certain the shank was...
  10. D

    Need Steering Parts for 1972 E32-2 (wheel & quadrant)

    I have one of the early Ericson 32s that had a tiller instead of a wheel. I want to convert it to a wheel but am having trouble finding the parts. I have the pedestal, but still need a wheel and a quadrant. If you either of those parts and are willing to part with it, please let me know how...
  11. G

    Quadrant stop on Yacht specialties pedestal

    Hi All, I have an E35/3 with Merriman Yacht specialties pedestal. The quadrant stop is a stainless tube about 1" in diameter which is inserted into a hole in the casting under the pedestal. The stop is very loose in the hole. I can take the tube in my fingers and rattle it back & forth -...
  12. footrope

    Yacht Specialties Steering - Quadrant Stop

    My 1980 E38 has the YS steering pedestal and the 4" adjustable sheave assembly with quadrant stop. See page 23 of the Yacht Specialties Steering Catalog in the Specs & Docs section of the board. How is the quadrant stop held in the casting? It's hanging there under the cockpit floor, with a...