I have a Volvo Penta 2002 in my Olson 34 and I've only just recent realised there is a Zinc Pencil Anode that's supposed to be replaced on a regular (once a year) basis. I've had the boat for 13 years and got on with it as quickly as possible.
Bought the anodes from the UK and had them shipped...
Has anyone removed the fuel tank from their E29? I'm wondering how much trouble it will be and whether it will come out through the cockpit seat opening. Bonus if you have any photos! Thank you.
I was fixing a small leak in my water system this past weekend and got to thinking about the hot water heater in my E32-III (1987). It almost looks like the boat was built around it! Now, I'm not having any problems with the water heater now but someday I maybe have to replace it.
How do...
Anyone replace their standing rigging recently? What did it cost? How do you get an honest assesment so that you are not just replacing rigging so that the rigger can make money?
I have a ericson 27 with a gas 4 cyl Palmer
It has problems
I can get a volvo 2 cyl 13-14 horse with trans that is available
Will this motor have enough guts to back me off mud or sand
bars if necessary.
We recently purchased a pretty beat up 1972 E27. We know that there is water getting into the deck and seeping down into the cabin at the chainplates. The not so reputable inspector thought the chainplates looked OK but upon my husband's closer inspection they look like they have some...
Alright then, it's mid-winter here in Boston, wicked cold, but time to start getting my act together for next season ;)
Last summer, I had lots of water coming in up the rudder post tube and leaking UNDER the lower rim of the packing gland. This would happen mostly when motoring at 4+ knots, or...
Well, it was a bright, warm, calm (for SF Bay) day yesterday. We'd just come back from a brief excursion to pt. Bonita...the Chardonay was excellent, did a leisurely jibe, and watched in amazement as the main ripped in two, about halfway up....no sweat, no strain, just a tear we could watch...
What a discovery! Someone up there is taking care of me. This is a snap of the chainplate as I discover it today. Had a fuel can tied to the stay on the last trip and never got a look at it. - Thankfull for small miracles! I was planning on taking the boat out early for a winter rehab...
want to swap my two blade for a three, is this something i could do in the water? myself? i'm thinking (having lost a prop on my last boat) might be a good idea to have the experience. also can anyone recomend a good size for a E35II with the universal m-25
FFor some perverted reason the outhaul on my E34, which is rope to wire, the wire is not stainless steel, but a ferrous metal which is now about to break due to rust, etc. Has anyone replaced their outhaul on a 34 [which is probably the same set up as the 32 & 38] and if so, what is involved?
I want to upgrade my traveler on an 1983 Ericson 30+ to a Lewmar. To do this I must remove the original traveler. But most of the bolt nuts underneath the cockpit holding the original Ronstan I-beam track seem inaccessible.
Has anyone tried this or have suggestions?
The existing chainplates on my E29 need replacement due to corrosion, and are glassed into the hull interior. Each side is basically a sideways ' E' design with the horizontal backbone of the 'E' glassed to the hull and the three protrusions of the 'E' being the chainplates themselves, which are...
just driving ahead here... this fall when i haul out i'm going to need to replace lifelines, as well as possibly front pulpit and one or two stanchions-
i guess one can just order lifeline cable from west marine, but where in the world do i go to replace front pulpit?? and perhaps with one...
I must replace the 1/2 inch thick plywood bulkhead on the port side of the cabin, 1979 E23, fixed keel model. Can the existing bulkhead be removed in one piece and a new one installed without removing the mast post? Any advice or shared experience will be greatly appreciated.
Dallas Tx
I have a Hood SeaFurl II on my 1984 E-38 which won't unfurl completely on its own. The last few rotations almost always have to be done by hand by grasping the foil and rotating. Even after the genoa came down for winter storage, rotating the foil on its own takes two hands and a lot of body...