As my wife and I were sailing north under the Annapolis Bay bridges this past weekend we noticed another E32-3, just like ours, sailing south also under the bridge. We don't see that many Ericsons on the bay, let alone E-32s, so our hand waving was a bit more enthusiastic then usual. :clap...
OK folks.
I'm not sure who is in our out at this point, but I like the way the weather is shaping up. Looks like lots of rain this weekend which using scienticfic PNW forecasing methods (random number generator), gives up a chance of decent weather next weekend!
OK, Put luck assignments...
Re: The SailNet Question (they're having gone under) - the following is an email and image from the Ericson List regarding the business and it's current state, including images taken this morning at 10 am EDT (July 19th, 2005).
This is not a commentary on SailNet - rather, it's just a...