
  1. MCD

    Potential interferences between SSB and Raymarine autopilot EV100 - what's your experience?

    Hi Ericson community, I'm about to install a new Raymarine EV100 wheel pilot on our Ericson 38 (the previous one's belt sadly broke on our first sail with the boat). I'm in the process of choosing the location of the different components and have options, for the sensor and the ACU100 in...
  2. W

    Grounding a SSB

    I want to install a SSB radio on my 1990 E38. I don't believe there is a grounding mat built into the hull since I haven't come across it. Any creative ideas for grounding a SSB on an E38 or any other Ericson for that matter?
  3. K


    I have a Stephens 116 with tuner for sale I have never used it to transmit however I did listen to incomming signals. It has been in storage for years
  4. G

    SSB radio

    Anyone have any thoughts on SSB? I am comtemplating taking my 381 to Mex this winter and think SSB may be something I want to look into but my only attempt at SSB was playing with one occassionally on a delivery to HI and got frustrated trying to figure it out. Any prefs on brands/models...