As of this morning, me and the wife are proud new owners of a 1982 E25+ with the yanmar diesel! I am not however a owner of a headsail, the boat didn’t come with one. Either way, I think I made a good decision for our first boat. Would love to know what you guys think of these models, as well...
:esad:Hurricane Ike blew thru here on 9/13 and the marinas incurred much damage. One 1100 slip marina lost 300 boats. The surge was 11 feet. If it were 3 feet higher, all the marinas would have been destroyed. Thats 5000 slips with boats..All the channel markers in Galveston Bay are gone. Our...
I have noticed many Ericson sailboats here in the Kemah-Seabrook area for the past 7 years. I am posting this notice in an effort to form a local Ericson club. Forming new friendships and seeing/learning about other Ericsons would be fun. We have 7 major marinas within a few miles of one...
hi, i was wondering, since i have never sailed before...would my ericson 25 sail from texas to florida , just thinking about it,... thats a long way to go with a small boat of this size,,,,can anyone shed light on this subject....i dont know yet how to sail but am very much wanting to do as seth...
My 1987 E- 26 is for sale. She is a beauty and has been well maintained and updated far beyond norm! She is listed for sale on for $26,500.00 Needless to say she is loaded! Wheel and RF were added from the factory and she has all new electronics ( ST-40 Depth and Speed and...