Can anyone out there save me the trouble of going to the boat for a measurement?
I'm going to replace the topping lift and wondering what the measurement would be. I'll take an educated guess from anyone and build in a few feet for error. ;)
How long (and how thick) a line would I need for...
I've got a rope clutch slot open and am thinking about running the topping lift line back to the cockpit. I can't find any info in the Ericson 35-3 specs or manual about the length of the line for the topping lift running internally in the boom and cleated at the boom just forward of the exit...
My spinnaker rig has this type of block attached to the mast with a strap eye:
To avoid chafe, I've determined that the best way to "store" the block is to run a messenger line in place of the topping lift to avoid UV damage and prevent the block from banging around up there. Is this the...
I'm missing the teak that goes around the top of the mast in the cabin, between the mast and headliner. I've made a template to make it, but now looking at the mast, I can't see any way of attaching it. It has to have at least 1/2" clearance from the mast and I can't see any holes above. Anyone...
Hello All,
I have been following the threads on installing a rigid vang on an E38 with interest as I just purchased an E38 with a "soft" vang. Not knowing a whole lot about the advantages/uses of the rigid setup, and the removal/use of a topping lift I just have to ask....
1) I have a...
Hi, guys,
can anyone share personal experience - is it worth a trouble to replace an original topping lift with a Boomkicker or some form of a rigid vang?
Thanks in advance,
Hello all:
My E-25 has the topping lift connecting to the split backstay. This can be pretty inconvienent at times especially if needing to drop the mainsail in preparation for a storm.
Are any of you using a different setup? If so how do you like it and what was the difficulty/cost of...
I started work today on commissioning my E-30+ (purchased post-season last fall) for the new season. I noticed that the filament lines for the Dutchman system were in decent shape, but like many things, would eventually need to be replaced.
The problem is that I couldn't figure out how I...