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    Join us on March 28th, 7pm EDT

    for the CBEC Virtual Meeting

    EY.o March Zoom Meeting

    All EYO members and followers are welcome to join the fun and get to know the people you've met online!

    See the link below for login credentials and join us!

    March Meeting Info

    (dismiss this notice by hitting 'X', upper right)


  1. Solarken

    Heat on a cold morning

    Good morning to all! So, this odd year continues. Much wind and rain plus the cold is coming 2+ months early!!! So I must think of heating the cabin to take the chill off. I’m all electric so no engine to run to take the chills away. Last two seasons I used a Mister Heater Buddy. Never...
  2. dustintodd

    Warm weather diesel overflow

    During the gloriously hot weather on Sunday my fuel take overflow valve started to leak diesel. I filled her up end of season last year when it was pretty cold out but I would not expect expansion enough to overflow the tank????
  3. E

    Keeping warm and dry in winter sailing

    So, as I'm squeezing out a last few sails on the Chesapeake, I'm wondering what you all do to keep warm and dry? I've been layering with traditional materials e.g. cotton and wool, which is great until you get wet. Anyone have a special combo of synthetics they've found works well in the...
  4. jmcpeak

    October - Lake Michigan - Warm sailing

    Going for a sail today on Lake Michigan off Racine, WI. Expected high today - 86F - half my harbor is tucked away for winter and I will be enjoying a summer like sail today. In one week they shut off the water.