Another E-32 II Bites the Dust…in Michigan


Having been a member of the EYO site for so many years, I was proud to learn a while back that I had become the longest original owner of any Ericson to date, let alone the E-32’s. (Bought mine new in Ft. Lauderdale, FL back in’73 from Sailboats South.)

I overbought in size while looking for a 27, getting a good deal on it. We easily grew into it realizing how she became the perfect boat for us!

Eventually she truly became a “family member” over the years, especially for our son who became an avid sailor and racer. The Ericson was the perfect bonding tool for a father & son!

We were later surprised to learn via EYO, the only other original E-32 II owner other than us was
just 20 miles down the road at North Cape YC in Monroe, MI. I visited the club several times but our paths regrettably never crossed.

…Sadly , just a few short years ago I/we learned he had since sold his boat, thus we moved into the number one spot of oldest original owner.

…WORSE YET, the new owner has since given the boat up for salvage and she’s recently been cut up and disposed of. We managed to purchase the stern pulpit from the boat which has a double life line setup that we wanted.

At least, in a small way, the now lost E-32 lives on.

(More to follow later on the stern pulpit installation.)


Contributing Partner
Too bad we can't build an Ericson Museum (Similar to the Chesapeake Bay Museum) where our old boats can go to "retire" and then be sailed once in awhile. Not the original owner of our E32-3 (I believe that I'm the third) but I found it when I went to our marina to winterize our previous boat, a Hunter 285, and saw "Vesper" on the hard. I parked next to it, locked the car, walked about 20 feet to look back and first saw the beautiful sheer line. I was hooked. The boat was for sale, with the sign being put on it that morning, and I dropped a deposit with the broker who had an office in our marina after taking a look on deck and below. Love at first sight?