Barnacle Buster, ST Winch Fix, Repair PVC Inflatable, Cushion for foredeck (20-minute video)

Christian Williams

E381 - Los Angeles
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
The 5432 Universal began running hot after four years, suggesting the heat exchanger had built up scale. My normal operating temperature is 180. During five hours of motoring at 6 knots, about 2300 RPM, the gauge crept to 190 and then approached 200F. A good deal of steam was apparent as we crossed Catalina channel in a dead calm. I reduced RPM to 2000 and five knots and temps returned to 180.

The Barnacle Buster "immersion" technique for boiling out the system worked fine, as the video shows. Easy. Also cleans the hoses and the water heater. The engine should be run up to operating temperature before introducing the solution so the thermostat opens. For my boat, anyhow, this was much easier than removing the heat exchanger, because there was less work required in cramped quarters.

Can you fix a PVC inflatable with a blown seam? Yes. I used the West Marine kit, 80 bucks worth, because it is a two-part glue. Difficult to find, but probably better than a premixed tube.

The removal of the spacer plate in my Barient halyard winch worked wonders. The self-tailer really functions again,

Of all my inventions, the invention of the cushion is no doubt most historically important. That my idea caught on is apparent on every chair, and although I don't seek credit or personal aggrandizement, it is satisfying to know one has contributed to the comfort of his fellow man.

In applying a cushion to the foredeck of the E38, a slot is required to accommodate the brace of the Dorade guard and to allow it to snug up such that the guard becomes a backrest.

I overcame profound obstacles in sewing this slot into a cushion originally intended for the saloon table, should the table be converted to a double bunk. Many sewmen would have given up, but six hours of confusion is nothing to me, and I have always overcome incompetence by perseverance and gin.

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