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    Join us on November 22nd, 7pm EDT

    for the CBEC Virtual Meeting

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Contributing Partner
For several years I have considered getting the Boatus tow insurance. I have stumbled on the inability to determine the coverage areas. I know that Port Angeles is a long way from the tow boat bases so coverage at the home port would be lousy if existant at all. I generally try to stay away from Puget Sound as there are way too many people there for my taste. Does anyone have any experience with them through Vancouver Island, Desolation Sound and the Broughton's?

Frank Langer

1984 Ericson 30+, Nanaimo, BC
There is Vessel Assist in the Gulf Islands north to Desolation Sound. I hear them all the time while sailing here but don't have personal experience with them. They have a good reputation mostly.
As you get further north into the Broughten islands it's harder to get vhf or cell reception, so I don't know if they go there as well. A phone call might help get that information if you need it.