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e 29 Steering


New Member
I am working on converting from tiller to wheel steering. Has anyone found a fix for the hard steering on the E2

Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator
Owner's Manual?

I think there is some summary tiller/wheel steering info in the E29 owner's manual. If you don't have one, there is one in the documentation section of this site......



New Member
Thanks Sean.

I am aware of the info you mentioned, but I'm trying a different tack.

I first went to Edson and they quoted me a system similar to what's in the E files.

The driving force behind my considering Wheel steering was to free up what is a spacious cockpit. The Stock tiller sweeps half the cockpit, and makes it considerably less spacious.

Unfortunately, Edsons' (and the E file) fix is still cramping my style.
The solution I am working on is to use a Morse cable system which I will mount on the transom.

Using an 18 inch wheel, I get about an 8:1 mechanical advantage, but with a 10 inch rudder arm, I end up at about 2 or 2.5 to 1 (as a function of the 42 inch existing tiller). I will be adding a wheel autohelm, and that's why I want to reduce steering force.

I am about 60% finished, but sailing keeps getting in the way. I hope to "breadboard" the system to finish engineer it before the boat comes out in the fall.

When I have a working system in place I will share it with EY.c.

If you've heard of anybody who has tried this, or if you could suggest some links, I'd be interested.

Thanks again.


Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator
Try the Sailnet Discussion List

As much as it pains me to say this - try the Sailnet Ericson Discussion List. That's where most of the owner's still hang out (they prefer the simplicity of email to browsers).

You can get there at:


You will need to register with Sailnet before you can use the list.

Be warned however - that that list generates a great deal of mail (about 15-20 messages a day), so.......

Good Luck!
