E23 Wiring Diagram

Don Nelson

Inactive Member
Just picked up a 1975 E23. It's in fairly good shape but unfortunately all of the wires coming out of the wiring panel have been cut off which leaves me with no lights or radio.

Is there any chance that someone has a wiring diagram, wiring sketch or photo of the back of the wiring switch panel and the battery connections? Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



Member III
Check the Specs & Documents section - there should be some info there. I found some good wiring diagram stuff for my '27 which helped me find where the wires ran, etc.

- Jerry

Tom Metzger

Sustaining Partner
Don - This is the color coding that was used by Ericson and is fairly standard in the industry. I have no idea if it applies to your E-23, but it is a starting point. On my boat the mast wiring is not color coded the same as the wiring inside of the boat.

The AC wiring shown is the jacket color, not the individual wires which are standard: black is hot, white is neutral, and green is ground.

Good luck.


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