Phone booth
I know that a real phone booth is very hard to find these days, with the proliferation of cell phones, but those of use old enough to remember using them can get a fairly good idea of what it's like to take a shower in a E32-3. Just think if taking a shower in a phone booth. I actually have taken a number of showers on board my E32-3 but only if there was no way to take a shower otherwise and if I really needed one. My wife always brings my attention to that last point. It is certainly intended to be a "sit down" shower and a "Navy" shower at that too. Thats when you turn the water on and off, using it only when needed, not running the water all the time. In situations when we've been sailing on a hot day, end up on a boring ball in Annapolis Harbor and my 1st mate says it would be great to take a water taxi into town for a nice dinner - then it was definitely a plus to have a shower, bet it a tight one, on board. That also assumes that there is enough water in the tanks. So is it a small shower not meant for big guys? (I'm 5'10", 210lbs) Yes. But in a pinch it's nice to have. One of the biggest advantages of moving up to a E-38 was the enclosed, larger shower. Maybe someday.