E34-2 Termites


Member II
Termite droppings in the cabinet over the stove were the first evidence. Found more under the sink cabinet some time later. Last week, found 4 flyers in the cushions of the saloon. Calls to exterminator resulted in an appointment this coming Friday.

I was informed that the technique was not to put a tent over the boat, boat to drill holes in the wood. I was also told they don't fill them, I would have to do that.

So, feedback and advice please?

Christian Williams

E381 - Los Angeles
Senior Moderator
Blogs Author
Let's see what the exterminator's estimate is, but I'm sure I'd just attack with the usual chemicals from Home Depot. I'd figure a boat in the water is isolated, the infestation must be local, it's a small space and so on.


Contributing Partner
I have to be honest, I've never heard of a termite problem on a fiberglass sailboat before. Any thoughts on how they got on board? I built a solar house, long ago in the woods of PA, and to discourage termite infestation I was told and did put a sheet metal barrier between the top of the concrete block foundation (which stuck out about three inches from the wall) and the wood sill which was also pressure treated. But how termite could craw onto a boat is a mystery to me unless they were brought on in a piece of wood somehow. Hope you are successful in getting rid of the buggars.


Contributing Partner
I was very curious about termites on a boat so I looked it up and it seems that it happens enough to be classified as "common". I found there web sites dealing with the subject but there are many more if you look around on the internet.

Alan Gomes

Sustaining Partner
FWIW, I've seen a couple of boats at my marina tented for termites over the years. In the cases I've seen, it appeared to have been done by a regular termite company that simply draped a tent over the topsides (but not into the water), with all the openings sealed up. There were also warning signs posted on the tent.