Ericson 28 versus 28+


When we found our E28 -1986 in Marina Rey last year I had little knowledge of it. I have owned a 30+ and a 35. I was aware of the new series that came out in the mid 1980's. The 30+ has a double spreader fractional rig. My 28 is sometimes listed as a 28 or a 28+ . The adverticements from ericson from its original purchase makes no mention of the +. Socal PHRF makes no distiction between them. So I am trying to figure out the difference.

Can someone help?


"Nauti Jo"
28 vs. 28+

The newer version from mid 1986 to 1991 is known as the E-28 from all that I have read and seen listed for sale. It has a 10'0 beam. Prior to that the boat was marketed as the 28+ which has a beam of 10'6. It is said to have been a cut down version of the 30. It also is suppose to be a bit more tender under sail.

Live slow and sail fast!

Sam of the 1990 E-28 "Nauti Jo"


28 versus 28 plus


that is interesting. because the 30 + is a reference to those 30's made from the mid-80's that had a fractional in-line double spreader racing rig and part of the whole redesign of the fleet. Mine is definatley the 10' beam version. She s a bit tender becuse the sail area is almost the same as the 30+ and the boat is significantly lighter. I have the deep keel so it is fine inthe light air of so-cal.

Have you tried to race your's? What PHRF do they rate in the chesapeake? They rate a 186 here.
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"Nauti Jo"
28 vs 28+

In the Chesapeake I am pretty sure our boat has a rating of 180. The reason for that may be because of the light winds we experience many days on the Bay and the fact that this boat is a great boat for light winds.

