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    EY.o March Zoom Meeting

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Great Lakes to Atlantic

gareth harris

Sustaining Member
I am considering taking my boat to a yard in New York, but am not at all familiar with the geography of the Great Lakes region, so my question:
Is there a way to take a boat with 50' mast height out of Lake Ontario to the Atlantic without going through the St. Lawrence?

Freyja E35 #241 1972


Sustaining Partner
It IS definitely possible, and if memory serves me, you go through Oswego to the Mohawk to the Hudson River, which takes you all the way to NY harbor.

I am certain about the Hudson, but need to check on the best route to get there.

A very nice trip-I am told!

Good times!


Inactive Member
overland route

Have friends who transited the Erie Canal in 2001. You must step the mast for the trip, resteping @ the Hudson River/Lake Erie end depending on direction of travel. Long dock lines & LARGE fenders are also highly recommended for the locks. They have a Whitby 42 ketch so it's doable with a fairly large vessel. If interested I can get you more info.
Have fun & sail fast
Bud E34 "Escapade"

gareth harris

Sustaining Member
That is extremely helpful. Perhaps the folk who have done the trip could recommend places to tie up, since the listed hours show it closed every night, and any sights to be seen along the way.
I have not yet found a yard anywhere that has room for me at a reasonable price, but the canal opens up a lot more possiblities.


New Member
Erie Canal

I can tell you that the point at which you must step your mast before entering the Erie Canal system is N. Tonawanda, NY.
Good luck. :egrin: