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    Join us on March 28th, 7pm EDT

    for the CBEC Virtual Meeting

    EY.o March Zoom Meeting

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Hello Fellow Great Lakes Sailors


New Member
In my 2nd year on my Ericson 25+ and loving it. I have been restoring my boat back to using all the original navigation equipment as well as adding some new items.

I just updated the electrical system to all new modern fuse system. Eaton makes a very nice easy to install fuse panel. I also added a grounding block, both stop oxidation.


Lucky Dog

Member III
Great Lakes Sailors

Great....looks good far.
Keep sailing.
Maybe the GLS can have a rendezvous like the members of the NW.

Gary Holford

Member II
You are very brave. I've been trying to psyche myself into redoing my panel for years. "If it ain't broke don't fix it" has been the excuse for years but it's a rats nest. Some day....


Nice Job!!

In my 2nd year on my Ericson 25+ and loving it. I have been restoring my boat back to using all the original navigation equipment as well as adding some new items.

I just updated the electrical system to all new modern fuse system. Eaton makes a very nice easy to install fuse panel. I also added a grounding block, both stop oxidation.

View attachment 21836

Very clean and neat work! ...Tough to do when it comes to boat wiring. (Been there and [almost] done it (still working on the TOTAL re-wiring of my '73 E32 II! :rolleyes_d:)

We bought a new Blue Seas Panel that included AC & DC. For me, it has more buttons and gauges than Scotty's Enterprise panel - AND - it would not fit in the old original tiny 6 switch panel area. We (my son & I) decided to do away with the original small rear qtr berth locker and make that the new electrical area. (photos attached.)

I designed a drop down face to allow easier access to wiring connections. Note the piece of Starboard backing for mounting upcoming wiring to the panel connections itself. I also included a storage box for wallets or I-Phones etc along with AM/FM radio, VHF and USB/12V/AC outlets. The original top storage rail was re-utilized for small storage at the bottom of the area as shown on the photos. There has been LOTS of work already completed so far with just the running of actual wiring to necessary items.

Fair Winds for our upcoming sailing season!!
-kerry diehl

E32 RrQtrBrth Locker.JPGNew E32 Electric Panel1.jpgNew E32 Electric Panel2.jpgWallet & I-Phone Storage.JPGLooking Aft with new side liner in place.JPG