The most simple, and cheapest insulation materials recommended are Dow Board, or Insulpink (Insulpink is available at Home Depot). They are fairly resistant to water reducing their insulating properties, and simple to stick together in a box. Their simplicity means that you need an ablosute minimum of 4" thickness, more in tropical climates, for refridgeration.
At the other end of the spectrum, Glacier Bay make evacuated insulation panels with better insulation in 1" than 6" of regular insulation, made of stainless steel, and guaranteed for 30 years. The price they charge is commensurate - more than most 1970s Ericson owners can afford.
In view of the space available, I am looking for something inbetween - Dow Board is rated at R4, Glacier Bay at R30. If you do an internet search, you will find other products that sell themselves well, but... I am looking for personal recommendations, as a site that sells 'space age insulation', but can not spell simple words on their web site, does not make me want to rely on them for healthy food at sea.
Freyja E35 #241 1972