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Info Needed on Ericson 32

Jason L. Schmidt

Junior Member
hey, everyone.

this is my first time on the board. i have the opportunity of acquiring an ericson 32, year unknown, and am trying to
find out as much info on the boat as i can. the boat is at least 15 years old. unfortunately, it has been sitting in a boat yard here in new york state for that time with both the hatch and companionway slats removed, so the interior is completely shot, cushions, teak and all wood weather-rotted badly.

the boat has, i believe, 5 windows on either
side, a universal inboard motor (is that an atomic 4?), wheel steering, an oven and stove immediately to the left as you enter the main cabin, a sink with pressurized hot and cold water, a separate forward cabin in which an enclosed head is located -- this is all just a general
description of the boat for identification purposes. are there any sites with pics of this boat?

any way of obtaining brochures are literature of
any sort, including magazine review articles, on this boat, its sailing characteristics and history? any way of determining the year? anyone here have this boat? any input on approximate value of the boat? (the hull is in very good shape.)

just so that you know, i currently sail a "69 venture 21(made by macgregor), so the opportunity to get this boat, even in the poor condition that its in, is definately a once in a lifetime chance.

if it happens, my plan is to gut the interior as much as possible and -- for now -- worry only about rigging, sails, motor condition. since this is a boat which i could have for the rest of my life, i can work on the rest during the years to come...
thanks for any help which you may provide me.


Jerry Van Baren

New Member
Info on Ericson Hull Numbering

If it is made after November 1, 1972, it will have a ID number molded into the hull which tells you the year of manufacture and the hull number. To decode it, see: http://www.boatsafe.com/nauticalknowhow/hin.htm

The quintessential Ericson web site, complete with pictures, is: http://www.gatecom.com/~caryon/sail/ericson/

The hull number list that has been passed around the list is:

Ericson Yachts, Inc

Model Number Hull and Year
E/23 - I #1 (1968) thru #165
E/23 - II #201 (1974) thru #470
E/25 - I #1 (1972) thru #384
E/25 - II #501 (1979) thru #693
E/26 - I #1 (1966) thru #190
E/26 - II #1 (1967) thru
#11 (1968) Pacer
E/27 - I #1 (1971) thru #1302
E/28 - I #501 (1980) thru #594
E/29 - I #2 (1970) thru #626
E/30 - I #1 (1966) thru #150
E/30 - II #1 (1977) thru
#47 (1979)
E/31 - I (c) #1 (1976) thru
#27 (1978)
E/31 - II (Ind. 31) #28 (1978) thru
#71 (1981)
E/32 - I #1 (1967) thru
#24 (1967)
E/32 - II #101 (1969) thru #573
E/33 - I #1 (1981) thru
#28 (1984)
E/34 - I (R) #1 (1977) thru
#21 (1978)
E/34 - II (T) #101 (1977) thru #141
E/35 - I #1 (1967) thru
#45 (1968)
E/35 - II #102 (1969) thru #612
E/36 - I (c) #1 (1975) thru
#66 (1977)
E/36 - II #1 (1981) thru
#32 (1984)
E/37 - I #1 (1973) thru
#53 (1975)
E/38 - I #1 (1979) thru #126
E/38 - II (381 series) #501 (1982) thru #539
E/38 - III (382 series) #200 (1985) thru #230
E/39 - I (A) #1 (1970) thru #106
E/39 - II (B) #201 (1974) thru #221
E/41 - I #1 (1967) thru
#50 (1970)
E/46 - I #2 (1971) thru
#23 (1974)
E26 - III #200 (1984) thru # ?
E/26 - IV (300 series) #300 (1987) thru # ?
E/28 - II #600 (1985) thru # ?
E/30 - III #501 (1979) thru # ?
E/32 - III #601 (1985) thru # ?
E/34 - III #201 (1986) thru # ?
E/35 - III #111 (1982) thru # ?
E/38 - III #231 (1987) thru # ?

This is as far as the sheet I have goes.

If any of you have additional information-please share!

The E/27 HIN has a "-1" for hull numbers greater than 1000 (a HIN is defined with only three digits for the hull number).


Jason L. Schmidt

Junior Member
jerry, thanks for your reply. amazing -- already i know more than before. after viewing the pics and cabin layouts shown on the ericson site, its apparent that the boat i am interested in is a 32-3.

of course, now i'm anxious to know more; if there's anyone out there who has this boat and can share any info, please email me on or off the board, whatever's convenient to
the members here. thanks again. meanwhile, i can't wait to get back to the boat to check on the hull #.....

Justin Lee

Jason..if this is really a 32-3, I recently purchased one & have done extensive modifications. I would question if it really isn't a 32-2 as the 32-3 didn't start production until 1985?

Jason L. Schmidt

Junior Member

thanks for responding. if you look at the pic of the 32-3 on the ericson site, "my" boat has the exact same side window configuration. the 32-2 pic wasn't clear. upon closer inspection of the cabin layout, it could be a 32-2. the door separating the main cabin from the forward cabin on my boat also serves as a door to the enclosed head.

the toilet inside the enclosed head on my boat is facing aft -- again, i provide this info for identification purposes. although i will look for that hull # as soon as i get
back to the boat next weekend, can you refer me to any distinctive characteristics between the 2 boats?

also, i note that the cabin description of the 32-3 shown on the site seems right on with what i was looking at this past weekend. the boat doesn't have a fridg, but an ice chest of sorts built into the counterspace; something else
to look for: immediately to the right as you enter the forward cabin is a closet to hang garments; the bottom of this closet is also accessible as extra leg room for whomever is sleeping on the berth in the main cabin, mmediately forward of the closet.

what do you think?

Bob Ells

Member I
Article in PS Mag on 32?


Practical Sailor did a comparison of the Ericson 32-2 and 32-3 not too long ago. I do not recall which issue it was but I am certain that someone else on the list does.

It should be very helpful to you when you can your
hands on a copy of it. I wish you well. I'd like to find a 35-2 in similar condition so that I could afford a 35.

Bob Ells - E26 - Second Wind - Boston

Justin Lee

The most noticable differences are that on the 32-2, the cockpit is separated into two "wells". The traveler is usually mounted on a "bridge" separating the two wells.

The 32-3 has more of a "T" shaped cockpit with no separation. Also the 32-3 is almost 11' wide! the 32-2 is only about 9'wide.

The cabin looks similar from a distance with 2 large windows & 2 small windows however the cabin top is considerably taller on the 32-2.

Hope this helps!

Ed Hart

New Member

I did find a E35-2 last year. She did not have an engine, had a 4X10 inch hole in the deck, where a life line stanchion was ripped out in a storm. and the bowpulpit was bent beyond repair Other then that she is in pretty good condition. with a good sail inventory.

So far I have replaced the engine and installed a propane stove, so what she needs now is lots of paint and TLC. I gave $4000, for the boat, which I think was a good price.

I hope you find your 35-2, keep looking they are out

S/V Hooligan E35-2

Bob Ells

Member I
Hey Ed,

Sounds like just the kind of deal I hope to come across. I wish you well in your project with Hooligan - what did you do for an engine?

Thanks for your encouragement.

Bob Ells

Pat Cook

New Member

Before I would do anything I would have the boat surveyed to determine the value and exactly what will need to be done to the boat to make it seaworthy.

I think if is has been on the hard for all that time with open hatches and not covered, the deck is probably totally gone as is the deckhouse.

A few bucks spent on a survey will save a lifetime of heartache and frustration as well as money.

Pat Cook
E35 MK II 1974

Frank Herbst

New Member
E32: A Great Boat!


The July issue 2000 of Practical Sailor tells all about your Ericson 32. If you call them at 203/661-6111 I'm sure theywill send you a copy.

It really is quite good. If not I'll send you a zerox copy.

Frank Herbst

PS: I own a 1985 32ft Ericson They are just a great boat.

Jason L. Schmidt

Junior Member

thanks for the information. i'm very anxious to read the article. however, when i called the publisher, i was told that the july, 2000 issues (apparently, the mag is published twice a month) do not contain anything on the
ericson 32. maybe you are mistaken about the date? any additional info you can provide would be greatly appreciated. while it would be easiest for me if you
could fax or mail me the article, i wouldn't want you to go through a great deal of trouble on my behalf.

again, thanks.

Steven Prevost

I'd go back to them again. Copied directly from their website: http://www.practical-sailor.com/pub/26_13/boatreview/4025-1.html

Volume 26
Number 13
July 1, 2000

Ericson 32
Both the 1969 and 1985 versions of this Southern California cruiser/racer were designed by Bruce King, and may represent good values, though the early
model had a lot more problems.

LOA 1967-1978: 31' 7
LWL 1967-1978: 24' 0
Beam 1967-1978: 9' 8
Draft 1967-1978: 4' 11
Displacement 1967-1978: 8,800 lbs.
1985-1989: 9,800 lbs.
Ballast 1967-1978: 4,000 lbs.
1985-1989: 4,200 lbs.
Sail Area 1967-1978: 452 sq. ft.
1985-1989: 496 sq. ft.

"Ericson Yachts," we wrote back in a 1986 review of the Ericson 27, "was somewhat of the archetypal production boatbuilder: trendy, performance riented, colorfully advertised, and, for the most part, successful."

The company was formed in 1964 by Don and Gene Kohlman, two San Francisco ay area sailors who moved south to Irvine, California to set up shop. Their first boats were what Don called "an eclectic line," meaning they grabbed what they could-a modified Carl Alberg design, a 26-footer by W.B. Crealock and a 32' 5.5 Meter keel boat similar to the Columbia Sabre of that same time.

The first boats were introduced in 1965. In 1971, the CML Group bought Ericson Yachts and ran it...


Jason L. Schmidt

Junior Member

thank you for the direct link. not only did i get the article in its entirety, but i picked up a subscription to practical sailor; not a bad deal.

however, i was dissapointed to read the somewhat unflattering review of the e32-2; seems like the author, and apparently e32 owners, like the 32-3 much better.


Todd Craig

Junior Member
Re: the PS article:

What stood out in my mind, was the contradictory nature
of the owner's comments. Some said it was a lousy light air performer, some said great. Some said good upwind, some said better downwind, etc.

I think
the author's analysis was pretty much on target. The 32-2 is a boat that's designed to initially heel quite a bit to increase its waterline length. After that, it sticks solidly. I've raced in SF bay carrying too much sail
area for the wind conditions on a short windward leg. The 32-2 heeled enough to put its rail a few inches out of the water, then stayed there.

In the puffs, we just went sideways. This is not an efficient way to sail, of course, but the boat is tender in the sense that its designed that way. Reef early, around 15 kts., and you'll be fast and happy. The 32 is a great
light air performer.

In the last Vallejo race we managed to keep moving in
very light air and work up into the middle of the Islander 36 fleet that started 5 minutes ahead of us. I also find the rudder has plenty of bite and the boat is very stable at deep downwind angles under spinnaker.

All the caveats that apply to older boats apply to the 32-2, of course. Delamination, worn out engines, etc., but every time I've taken my boat out over the last 2 years, I've come to appreciate its sailing qualities more.
Given the choice, I'd rather have the 32-3 also, if only for the longer waterline, but then I picked my boat up for under $13k.

Best of luck.
Todd Craig
E32-2 Zealous
Pt. Richmond, CA