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This is the type I have used.|118|2358532|2358538&id=3742665
Careful trimming and some patience will go along way for a good fit.
This is the type I have used.|118|2358532|2358538&id=3742665
Careful trimming and some patience will go along way for a good fit.
Best of luck!
I used the same one (the 91200000 size, although I suspect the 91000000 size might have worked. IIRC, the flange on the deck-plate is 28" around)
+1 on the careful trimming and patience. Make sure you get a good bond with the included adhesive, no gaps.
Hose-clamps top and bottom to hold it in place.
And then for good measure I wrapped mine with 2" self-amalgamating (silicone) tape, stretched tight to ensure a good seal."
I think the tape and some canvas might be the route I take.
Might be OK in SoCal.
I did mine that way the first year Makana was up here (Puget Sound), and it... wasn't good. It rains a bit up here, and a lot of the rain managed to make it under the tape and into the boat. I re-did the boot the following spring with the universal kit + the tape (and a canvas cover for UV protection) and it's been no problem ever since.
I'd say try the tape, hose it down for a good five minutes and then check for water inside the boat (wet mast-blocks at the partners, wet foam under the headliner, drips down the mast). That'll tell you whether it's doing the job or not....