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O' Barquino Sighting perhaps?


Member III

In the latest issue of Pacific Yachting (just out on the news stands) there is a photo of a boat that looks to be O' Barquino (sp.?) at anchor in a beautiful little bay somewhere up on the northern end of Vancouver Island. I don't know the 35-3 well enough to even say that's what it is, but I can almost read the name on the port side quarter. Where did she end up? I thought that you said it was someone from Alaska, so maybe I'm just blowing smoke up your ****** (deleted by Homeland Security, for public safety reasons).
Anyway, check it out and let us know....

Sean Engle

Your Friendly Administrator
She is moored in Pt. Roberts - but Erwin (Physics Professor from Berlin) comes over during the summer - and goes to AK with her. He also has a cousin in Vancouver who borrows her for weekend trips, etc....

If you see anything that will bug me (you know what I mean)...please don't tell me about it... :boohoo:
